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[[wikipedia:Juju (software)]] ([[2011]]) a service [[orchestration]] tool
[[wikipedia:Juju (software)]] a service [[orchestration]] tool
sudo [[snap install]] juju --classic
juju 2.8.1 from [[Canonical]]✓ installed
== Installation ==
[[juju add-cloud]]
* <code>sudo [[snap install juju]]</code>
== Examples ==
* <code>[[juju bootstrap]]</code>
* <code>[[juju config]]</code>
* <code>[[juju deploy]]</code>
* <code>[[juju status]]</code>
* <code>[[juju controllers]]</code>
* <code>[[juju add-cloud]]</code>
* <code>[[juju update-clouds]]</code>
* <code>[[juju gui]]</code>
* <code>[[juju register]] jimm.jujucharms.com</code>
* <code>[[juju import-ssh-key]] </code>
* <code>[[juju run-action]]</code>
* <code>[[juju add-model]] k8s</code>
* <code>[[juju add-credential]]</code>
* <code>[[juju deploy charmed-kubernetes]]</code> ([[Kubernetes (snap install)]])
== All commands ==
    actions                    - List actions defined for an application.
    add-cloud                  - Adds a cloud definition to Juju.
    add-credential              - Adds a credential for a cloud to a local client and uploads it to a controller.
    add-k8s                    - Adds a k8s endpoint and credential to Juju.
    add-machine                - Start a new, empty machine and optionally a container, or add a container to a machine.
    add-model                  - Adds a hosted model.
    add-relation                - Add a relation between two application endpoints.
    add-space                  - Add a new network space.
    add-ssh-key                - Adds a public SSH key to a model.
    add-storage                - Adds unit storage dynamically.
    add-subnet                  - Add an existing subnet to Juju.
    add-unit                    - Adds one or more units to a deployed application.
    add-user                    - Adds a Juju user to a controller.
    agree                      - Agree to terms.
    agreements                  - List user's agreements.
    attach                      - Alias for 'attach-resource'.
    attach-resource            - Update a resource for an application.
    attach-storage              - Attaches existing storage to a unit.
    autoload-credentials        - Attempts to automatically detect and add credentials for a cloud.
    backups                    - Displays information about all backups.
    bind                        - Change bindings for a deployed application.
    [[bootstrap]]              - Initializes a cloud environment.
    budget                      - Update a budget.
    cached-images              - Shows cached os images.
    cancel-action              - Cancel pending or running actions.
    cancel-task                - Alias for 'cancel-action'.
    change-user-password        - Changes the password for the current or specified Juju user.
    charm                      - DEPRECATED: Interact with charms.
    charm-resources            - Display the resources for a charm in the charm store.
    clouds                      - Lists all clouds available to Juju.
    collect-metrics            - Collect metrics on the given unit/application.
    config                      - Gets, sets, or resets configuration for a deployed application.
    consume                    - Add a remote offer to the model.
    controller-config          - Displays or sets configuration settings for a controller.
    controllers                - Lists all controllers.
    create-backup              - Create a backup.
    create-storage-pool        - Create or define a storage pool.
    create-wallet              - Create a new wallet.
    credentials                - Lists Juju credentials for a cloud.
    dashboard                  - Print the Juju Dashboard URL, or open the Juju Dashboard in the default browser.
    debug-code                  - Launch a tmux session to debug hooks and/or actions.
    debug-hook                  - Alias for 'debug-hooks'.
    debug-hooks                - Launch a tmux session to debug hooks and/or actions.
    debug-log                  - Displays log messages for a model.
    default-credential          - Sets local default credentials for a cloud on this client.
    default-region              - Sets the default region for a cloud.
    deploy                      - Deploys a new application or bundle.
    destroy-controller          - Destroys a controller.
    destroy-model              - Terminate all machines/containers and resources for a non-controller model.
    detach-storage              - Detaches storage from units.
    diff-bundle                - Compare a bundle with a model and report any differences.
    disable-command            - Disable commands for the model.
    disable-user                - Disables a Juju user.
    disabled-commands          - List disabled commands.
    download-backup            - Get an archive file.
    enable-command              - Enable commands that had been previously disabled.
    enable-destroy-controller  - Enable destroy-controller by removing disabled commands in the controller.
    enable-ha                  - Ensure that sufficient controllers exist to provide redundancy.
    enable-user                - Re-enables a previously disabled Juju user.
    exec                        - Run the commands on the remote targets specified.
    export-bundle              - Exports the current model configuration as a reusable bundle.
    expose                      - Makes an application publicly available over the network.
    find-offers                - Find offered application endpoints.
    firewall-rules              - Alias for 'list-firewall-rules'.
    get-constraints            - Displays machine constraints for an application.
    get-model-constraints      - Displays machine constraints for a model.
    grant                      - Grants access level to a Juju user for a model, controller, or application offer.
    grant-cloud                - Grants access level to a Juju user for a cloud.
    gui                        - Alias for 'dashboard'.
    help                        - Show help on a command or other topic.
    help-tool                  - Alias for 'hook-tool'.
    hook-tool                  - Show help on a Juju charm hook tool.
    hook-tools                  - Alias for 'hook-tool'.
    import-filesystem          - Imports a filesystem into the model.
    import-ssh-key              - Adds a public SSH key from a trusted identity source to a model.
    kill-controller            - Forcibly terminate all machines and other associated resources for a Juju controller.
    list-actions                - Alias for 'actions'.
    list-agreements            - Alias for 'agreements'.
    list-backups                - Alias for 'backups'.
    list-cached-images          - Alias for 'cached-images'.
    list-charm-resources        - Alias for 'charm-resources'.
    list-clouds                - Alias for 'clouds'.
    list-controllers            - Alias for 'controllers'.
    list-credentials            - Alias for 'credentials'.
    list-disabled-commands      - Alias for 'disabled-commands'.
    list-firewall-rules        - Prints the firewall rules.
    list-machines              - Alias for 'machines'.
    list-models                - Alias for 'models'.
    list-offers                - Alias for 'offers'.
    list-payloads              - Alias for 'payloads'.
    list-plans                  - Alias for 'plans'.
    list-regions                - Alias for 'regions'.
    list-resources              - Alias for 'resources'.
    list-spaces                - Alias for 'spaces'.
    list-ssh-keys              - Alias for 'ssh-keys'.
    list-storage                - Alias for 'storage'.
    list-storage-pools          - Alias for 'storage-pools'.
    list-subnets                - Alias for 'subnets'.
    list-users                  - Alias for 'users'.
    list-wallets                - Alias for 'wallets'.
    login                      - Logs a user in to a controller.
    logout                      - Logs a Juju user out of a controller.
    machines                    - Lists machines in a model.
    metrics                    - Retrieve metrics collected by specified entities.
    migrate                    - Migrate a hosted model to another controller.
    model-config                - Displays or sets configuration values on a model.
    model-default              - Alias for 'model-defaults'.
    model-defaults              - Displays or sets default configuration settings for a model.
    models                      - Lists models a user can access on a controller.
    move-to-space              - Update a network space's CIDR.
    offer                      - Offer application endpoints for use in other models.
    offers                      - Lists shared endpoints.
    payloads                    - Display status information about known payloads.
    plans                      - List plans.
    regions                    - Lists regions for a given cloud.
    register                    - Registers a controller.
    relate                      - Alias for 'add-relation'.
    reload-spaces              - Reloads spaces and subnets from substrate.
    remove-application          - Remove applications from the model.
    remove-backup              - Remove the specified backup from remote storage.
    remove-cached-images        - Remove cached OS images.
    remove-cloud                - Removes a cloud from Juju.
    remove-consumed-application - Alias for 'remove-saas'.
    remove-credential          - Removes Juju credentials for a cloud.
    remove-k8s                  - Removes a k8s cloud from Juju.
    remove-machine              - Removes one or more machines from a model.
    remove-offer                - Removes one or more offers specified by their URL.
    remove-relation            - Removes an existing relation between two applications.
    remove-saas                - Remove consumed applications (SAAS) from the model.
    remove-space                - Remove a network space.
    remove-ssh-key              - Removes a public SSH key (or keys) from a model.
    remove-storage              - Removes storage from the model.
    remove-storage-pool        - Remove an existing storage pool.
    remove-unit                - Remove application units from the model.
    remove-user                - Deletes a Juju user from a controller.
    rename-space                - Rename a network space.
    resolve                    - Alias for 'resolved'.
    resolved                    - Marks unit errors resolved and re-executes failed hooks.
    resources                  - Show the resources for an application or unit.
    restore-backup              - Restore from a backup archive to the existing controller.
    resume-relation            - Resumes a suspended relation to an application offer.
    retry-provisioning          - Retries provisioning for failed machines.
    revoke                      - Revokes access from a Juju user for a model, controller, or application offer.
    revoke-cloud                - Revokes access from a Juju user for a cloud.
    run                        - Run the commands on the remote targets specified.
    run-action                  - Queue an action for execution.
    scale-application          - Set the desired number of application units.
    scp                        - Transfers files to/from a Juju machine.
    set-constraints            - Sets machine constraints for an application.
    set-credential              - Relates a remote credential to a model.
    set-default-credential      - Alias for 'default-credential'.
    set-default-region          - Alias for 'default-region'.
    set-firewall-rule          - Sets a firewall rule.
    set-meter-status            - Sets the meter status on an application or unit.
    set-model-constraints      - Sets machine constraints on a model.
    set-plan                    - Set the plan for an application.
    set-series                  - Set an application's series.
    set-wallet                  - Set the wallet limit.
    show-action                - Shows detailed information about an action.
    show-action-output          - Show results of an action.
    show-action-status          - Show results of all actions filtered by optional ID prefix.
    show-application            - Displays information about an application.
    show-backup                - Show metadata for the specified backup.
    show-cloud                  - Shows detailed information for a cloud.
    show-controller            - Shows detailed information of a controller.
    show-credential            - Shows credential information stored either on this client or on a controller.
    show-credentials            - Alias for 'show-credential'.
    show-machine                - Show a machine's status.
    show-model                  - Shows information about the current or specified model.
    show-offer                  - Shows extended information about the offered application.
    show-space                  - Shows information about the network space.
    show-status                - Reports the current status of the model, machines, applications and units.
    show-status-log            - Output past statuses for the specified entity.
    show-storage                - Shows storage instance information.
    show-unit                  - Displays information about a unit.
    show-user                  - Show information about a user.
    show-wallet                - Show details about a wallet.
    sla                        - Set the SLA level for a model.
    spaces                      - List known spaces, including associated subnets.
    ssh                        - Initiates an SSH session or executes a command on a Juju machine.
    ssh-keys                    - Lists the currently known SSH keys for the current (or specified) model.
    status                      - Alias for 'show-status'.
    storage                    - Lists storage details.
    storage-pools              - List storage pools.
    subnets                    - List subnets known to Juju.
    suspend-relation            - Suspends a relation to an application offer.
    switch                      - Selects or identifies the current controller and model.
    sync-agent-binaries        - Copy agent binaries from the official agent store into a local model.
    sync-tools                  - Alias for 'sync-agent-binaries'.
    trust                      - Sets the trust status of a deployed application to true.
    unexpose                    - Removes public availability over the network for an application.
    unregister                  - Unregisters a Juju controller.
    update-cloud               - Updates cloud information available to Juju.
    update-credential          - Updates a controller credential for a cloud.
    update-credentials          - Alias for 'update-credential'.
    update-k8s                  - Updates an existing k8s endpoint used by Juju.
    update-public-clouds        - Updates public cloud information available to Juju.
    update-storage-pool        - Update storage pool attributes.
    upgrade-charm              - Upgrade an application's charm.
    upgrade-controller          - Upgrades Juju on a controller.
    upgrade-dashboard          - Upgrade to a new Juju Dashboard version.
    upgrade-gui                - Alias for 'upgrade-dashboard'.
    upgrade-juju                - Alias for 'upgrade-model'.
    upgrade-model              - Upgrades Juju on all machines in a model.
    upgrade-series              - Upgrade the Ubuntu series of a machine.
    upload-backup              - Store a backup archive file remotely in Juju.
    users                      - Lists Juju users allowed to connect to a controller or model.
    version                    - Print the current version.
    wallets                    - List wallets.
    whoami                      - Print current login details.
== Related commands ==
* <code>[[snap]]</code>
== See also ==
== See also ==
* {{Juju}}
* {{Ubuntu}}
* {{Canonical}}
* {{Canonical}}

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