opsgenie-lamp createAlert --help

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opsgenie-lamp createAlert --help
   opsgenie-lamp createAlert - Creates an alert at Opsgenie

   opsgenie-lamp createAlert [command options] [arguments...]

   -v                   Execute commands in verbose mode
   --apiKey value       API key used for authenticating API requests. If not given, the api key in the conf file is used
   --user value         Owner of the execution
   --config value       Configuration file path
   --message value      Alert text limited to 130 characters
   --teams value        A comma separated list of teams
   --users value        A comma separated list of users
   --escalations value  A comma separated list of escalations
   --schedules value    A comma separated list of schedules
   --alias value        A user defined identifier for the alert and there can be only one alert with open status with the same alias.
   --actions value      A comma separated list of actions that can be executed
   --source value       Field to specify source of alert. By default, it will be assigned to IP address of incoming request
   --tags value         A comma separated list of labels attached to the alert
   --description value  Alert text in long form. Unlike the message field, not limited to 130 characters
   --entity value       The entity the alert is related to
   --note value         Additional alert note
   --priority value     The priority of alert. Values: P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 default is P3
   -D value             Additional alert properties.
                        Syntax: -D key=value

See also
