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*<code>W: WRITE</code>
*<code>W: WRITE</code>
*<code>O: OWNER</code>
*<code>O: OWNER</code>
=== Ch Entities ===
There are four different entity types: Users, Groups, All Authenticated Users, and All Users.
Users are added with -u and a plain ID or email address, as in "-u john-doe@gmail.com:r". Note: Service Accounts are considered to be users.
Groups are like users, but specified with the -g flag, as in "-g power-users@example.com:O". Groups may also be specified as a full domain, as in "-g my-company.com:r".
AllAuthenticatedUsers and AllUsers are specified directly, as in "-g AllUsers:R" or "-g AllAuthenticatedUsers:O". These are case insensitive, and may be shortened to "all" and "allauth", respectively.
Removing roles is specified with the -d flag and an ID, email address, domain, or one of AllUsers or AllAuthenticatedUsers.
Many entities' roles can be specified on the same command line, allowing bundled changes to be executed in a single run. This will reduce the number of requests made to the server.
=== Ch Options ===
=== Ch Options ===

Revision as of 10:57, 1 August 2022


gsutil acl ch 

Ch Examples

  • gsutil acl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://example-bucket/example-object

Grant anyone on the internet WRITE access to the bucket example-bucket:

  • gsutil acl ch -u john.doe@example.com:WRITE gs://example-bucket

Grant the group OWNER access to all jpg files in example-bucket:

  • gsutil acl ch -g admins@example.com:O gs://example-bucket/**.jpg

Remove access to the bucket example-bucket for the viewers of project number 12345:

  • gsutil acl ch -d viewers-12345 gs://example-bucket

Grant all users from the G Suite domain my-domain.org READ access to the bucket gcs.my-domain.org:

  • gsutil acl ch -g my-domain.org:R gs://gcs.my-domain.org

Remove any current access by john.doe@example.com from the bucket example-bucket:

  • gsutil acl ch -d john.doe@example.com gs://example-bucket

Ch Roles

You may specify the following roles with either their shorthand or their full name:

  • R: READ
  • W: WRITE
  • O: OWNER

Ch Options

  • -d
  • -f
  • -g
  • -p
  • -R, -r
  • -u

See also

  • https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/gsutil/commands/acl
  • Advertising: