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<code>[[gsutil acl]] ch</code>
[[gsutil acl]] ch
* https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/gsutil/commands/acl
=== Ch Examples ===
== Entities ==
There are four different entity types: <code>[[Users]] (-u), [[Groups]] (-g), [[All Authenticated Users]] (AllAuthenticatedUsers or allauth)</code>, and <code>[[All Users]] (AllUsers or all)</code>.
* [[Google Cloud Service account|Service Accounts]] are considered to be users
* Permissions: <code>R, W, O</code>
* <code>-R, -r</code> Performs "acl set" request recursively, to all objects under the specified URL.
* <code>-d, -f, -g, -p, -u </code>
== Examples ==
* <code>gsutil acl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://example-bucket/example-object</code>
* <code>gsutil acl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://example-bucket/example-object</code>
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* <code>gsutil acl ch -g admins@example.com:O gs://example-bucket/**.jpg</code>
* <code>gsutil acl ch -g admins@example.com:O gs://example-bucket/**.jpg</code>
Grant the owners of project example-project WRITE access to the bucket example-bucket:
Remove access to the bucket example-bucket for the viewers of project number 12345:
* <code>gsutil acl ch -p owners-example-project:W gs://example-bucket</code>
* <code>gsutil acl ch -d viewers-12345 gs://example-bucket</code>
Remove access to the bucket example-bucket for the viewers of project number 12345:
Grant all users from the G Suite domain my-domain.org READ access to the bucket gcs.my-domain.org:
* <code>gsutil acl ch -d viewers-12345 gs://example-bucket</code>
* <code>gsutil acl ch -g my-domain.org:R gs://gcs.my-domain.org</code>
Remove any current access by john.doe@example.com from the bucket example-bucket:
* <code>gsutil acl ch -d john.doe@example.com gs://example-bucket</code>
Grant the user with the specified canonical ID READ access to all objects in example-bucket that begin with folder/:
=== Ch Roles ===
* <code>gsutil acl ch -r \ -u 84fac329bceSAMPLE777d5d22b8SAMPLE785ac2SAMPLE2dfcf7c4adf34da46:R \ gs://example-bucket/folder/</code>
*<code>R: READ</code>
*<code>W: WRITE</code>
*<code>O: OWNER</code>
== See also ==
== See also ==

Latest revision as of 07:10, 19 September 2022

gsutil acl ch


There are four different entity types: Users (-u), Groups (-g), All Authenticated Users (AllAuthenticatedUsers or allauth), and All Users (AllUsers or all).



  • -R, -r Performs "acl set" request recursively, to all objects under the specified URL.
  • -d, -f, -g, -p, -u


  • gsutil acl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://example-bucket/example-object

Grant anyone on the internet WRITE access to the bucket example-bucket:

  • gsutil acl ch -u john.doe@example.com:WRITE gs://example-bucket

Grant the group OWNER access to all jpg files in example-bucket:

  • gsutil acl ch -g admins@example.com:O gs://example-bucket/**.jpg

Remove access to the bucket example-bucket for the viewers of project number 12345:

  • gsutil acl ch -d viewers-12345 gs://example-bucket

Grant all users from the G Suite domain my-domain.org READ access to the bucket gcs.my-domain.org:

  • gsutil acl ch -g my-domain.org:R gs://gcs.my-domain.org

Remove any current access by john.doe@example.com from the bucket example-bucket:

  • gsutil acl ch -d john.doe@example.com gs://example-bucket

Ch Roles[edit]

  • R: READ
  • W: WRITE
  • O: OWNER

See also[edit]
