Difference between revisions of "QosClass"

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(11 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
* https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/quality-service-pod/
* https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/quality-service-pod/
  qosClass: BestEffort
* <code>qosClass: BestEffort</code>
=== Types ===
* <code>[[Guaranteed]]</code>
* <code>[[Burstable]]</code>
* <code>[[BestEffort]]</code>
Line 11: Line 13:
* [[Karpenter]]
* [[Karpenter]]
* <code>[[kubectl get pods]] -n cluster-autoscaler -o yaml cluster-autoscaler-0987654321</code>
[[kubectl get pods]] -n cluster-autoscaler -o yaml cluster-autoscaler-0987654321
== Related ==
* <code>[[QosClass]]</code>
* <code>[[PriorityClassName]]</code>
* <code>[[Mark a pod as critical]]</code>
* <code>[[Eviction]]</code>
* <code>[[containers:]]</code>
== See also ==
* {{K8s}}
* {{K8s}}

Latest revision as of 15:02, 2 January 2023
