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== Related ==
== Related ==
* [[ngrok]]
* <code>[[ngrok]]</code>
* [[tty-share]]
* <code>[[tty-share]]</code>
== See also ==
== See also ==

Revision as of 10:45, 7 February 2024

wikipedia:tmate allows instant terminal sharing using a ssh.tmate.io.

tmate -vvv
tmate -help
Usage: tmate [options] [tmux-command [flags]]

Basic options:
 -n <name>    specify the session token instead of getting a random one
 -r <name>    same, but for the read-only token
 -k <key>     specify an api-key, necessary for using named sessions on tmate.io
 -F           set the foreground mode, useful for setting remote access
 -f <path>    set the config file path
 -S <path>    set the socket path, useful to issue commands to a running tmate instance
 -v           set verbosity (can be repeated)
 -V           print version

Tip: if you wish to use tmate only for remote access, run: tmate -F                                           
To see the following messages again, run in a tmate session: tmate show-messages
Press  or <ctrl-c> to continue
Connecting to ssh.tmate.io...
Note: clear your terminal before sharing readonly access
web session read only: https://tmate.io/t/ro-jn2Pdfdasfasf
ssh session read only: ssh [email protected]
web session: https://tmate.io/t/9af2342343242
ssh session: [email protected]


See also
