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[[wikipedia:Terraform (software)]] (July 2014) is an open-source [[infrastructure as code]] software.
[[wikipedia:Terraform (software)]] (July [[2014]]) is an open-source [[infrastructure as code]] software.
* [[Google trends]]: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=Terraform
* [[Google trends]]: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&q=Terraform
* Repo: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform
* [[Terraform Registry]] (Jan 2020) <ref>https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/announcing-providers-in-the-new-terraform-registry</ref>
* [[Terraform Registry]] (Jan 2020) <ref>https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/announcing-providers-in-the-new-terraform-registry</ref>
* [[Terraform Cloud]] (September 2019)
* [[Terraform Cloud]] (September 2019)
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* <code>[[terraform providers]]</code>
* <code>[[terraform providers]]</code>
== Installation ==
== [[Terraform installation]] ==
* [[macOS]]: <code>[[brew install]] terraform</code>.
* [[Ubuntu]]: <code>[[snap install terraform]]</code> or <code>[[snap install]] terraform-snap</code>
* [[Amazon Linux]]
** <code>sudo yum install -y yum-utils && sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo https://rpm.releases.hashicorp.com/AmazonLinux/hashicorp.repo && sudo yum -y install terraform</code>
* Linux:
**<code>sudo [[apt-get update]] && sudo apt-get install -y [[gnupg]] [[software-properties-common]] [[curl]]</code>
**<code>[[curl -fsSL]] https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com/gpg | sudo [[apt-key add]] -</code>
**<code>sudo [[apt-add-repository]] "deb [arch=amd64] https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com $([[lsb_release -cs]]) main"</code>
**<code>sudo [[apt-get -qq update]] && sudo [[apt-get install terraform]] && [[terraform -v]]</code>
Ref: https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/install-cli
== [[Terraform commands]] ==
== [[Terraform commands]] ==
* <code>[[terraform --help]]</code>
* <code>[[terraform init]]</code>
* <code>[[terraform console]]</code>
* <code>[[terraform fmt]]</code>
* <code>[[terraform fmt]] -check</code>
* <code>[[terraform validate]]</code>
* <code>[[terraform import]]</code>
* <code>[[terraform plan]]</code>
* <code> [[terraform apply]]</code>
* <code> [[terraform remote config]]</code>
* <code>[[terraform destroy]]</code>
* <code>[[terraform show]]</code>
* <code>[[terraform login]]</code>
* <code>[[terraform add]]</code> (1.1.0, xx/2021)
* <code>[[terraform graph]]</code>
== [[Terraform changelog|News]] ==
== [[Terraform changelog|News]] ==
* Jan 2023 [[Terraform Dynamic Provider Credentials]]
* Aug 2022 [[CDK for Terraform (CDKTF)]]
* Dec 2017 [[Terraform Enterprise (TFE)]] [[GA]]
* Dec 2017 [[Terraform Enterprise (TFE)]] [[GA]]
== [[Terraform activities|Activities]] ==
== [[Terraform activities|Activities]] ==
* Create you first AWS instances with Terraform tutorial: https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/aws-build?in=terraform/aws-get-started
* [[Create you first AWS instances with Terraform tutorial]]: https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/aws-build?in=terraform/aws-get-started
* Read Terraform [[blog]]: https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/category/terraform/
* Read Terraform [[blog]]: https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/category/terraform/
* Read https://www.terraformupandrunning.com/ book
* Read https://www.terraformupandrunning.com/ book
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* Read Terraform: Up & Running, 2nd edition Early Release is now available! https://blog.gruntwork.io/terraform-up-running-2nd-edition-early-release-is-now-available-b104fc29783f
* Read Terraform: Up & Running, 2nd edition Early Release is now available! https://blog.gruntwork.io/terraform-up-running-2nd-edition-early-release-is-now-available-b104fc29783f
* Review some [[Terraform examples]]
* Review some [[Terraform examples]]
* Use <code>[[terraform apply -replace]]</code> to recreate a resource
== Related terms ==
== Related terms ==
* [[HCL]] and [[HCL]]2
* [[HCL]], [[HCL]]2 and [[HashiCorp Interpolation Language (HIL)]]
* [[Terraform: Meta-Argument]]s: <code>[[count]]</code> parameter for [[iterations]], <code>[[Terraform: depends on|depends_on]]</code>
* [[Terraform: Meta-Argument]]s: <code>[[count]]</code> parameter for [[iterations]], <code>[[Terraform: depends on|depends_on]]</code>
* [[Terraform conditional expressions]]
* [[Terraform conditional expressions]]
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* [[Terraform Associate]]: Understand [[secret management]] in [[state files]]
* [[Terraform Associate]]: Understand [[secret management]] in [[state files]]
* [[Terraform deprecated commands]]
* [[Terraform deprecated commands]]
* [[CLI Configuration File]]
* [[Terraform CLI Configuration File]]
* [[Terraform VCS connections]]
* [[Terraform VCS connections]]
* [[Terraform best practices]]
* [[Terraform best practices]]
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* [[Terraform AWS]] (<code>[[hashicorp/aws]]</code>), [[Terraform GCP]]
* [[Terraform AWS]] (<code>[[hashicorp/aws]]</code>), [[Terraform GCP]]
* <code>[[tflint]], [[tfsec]]</code>
* <code>[[tflint]], [[tfsec]]</code>
* <code>[[tfswitch]]</code>
* [[Atlantis]] [[pull request]] automation
* [[AWS Service Catalog]]
* [[OpenTofu]]
* <code>[[.this]]</code>
* [[Crossplane.io]]
* [[Terrakube.org]]
* [[Terramate.io]]
== See also ==
== See also ==
* {{terraform aws resources}}
* {{terraform cmd}}
* {{terraform cmd}}
* {{terraform}}
* {{terraform}}
* {{IaC}}
* {{IaC Terraform}}
[[Category:Infrastructure as Code]]
[[Category:Infrastructure as Code]]
[[Category:Cloud computing]]
[[Category:Cloud computing]]

Latest revision as of 08:03, 14 March 2025

wikipedia:Terraform (software) (July 2014) is an open-source infrastructure as code software.

Technical characteristics[edit]

Supported platforms/providers[edit]

Terraform installation[edit]

Terraform commands[edit]



Related terms[edit]

See also[edit]

  • https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/announcing-providers-in-the-new-terraform-registry
  • https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/hashicorp-terraform-module-registry
  • Advertising: