Difference between revisions of "MariaDB"

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(12 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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* <code>[[apt install mariadb-server]]</code>
* <code>[[apt install mariadb-server]]</code>
* <code>[[brew install mariadb]]</code>
* <code>[[brew install mariadb]]</code>
* [[helm install mariadb]]: [[helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami && helm install my-mariadb bitnami/mariadb]]
Helm by [[Bitnami]]
* [[Terraform install mariadb]]
[[helm repo add]] bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami && [[helm install]] my-release bitnami/mariadb
== Configuration files ==
== Configuration files ==
* Ubuntu:  <code>[[/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf]]</code>
* Ubuntu:  <code>[[/etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf]]</code>
* Data: <code>[[/var/lib/mysql/]]</code>
* Data: <code>[[/var/lib/mysql/]]</code>
* Service: <code>[[/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service]]</code>
== Binaries ==
== Binaries ==
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== Activities ==
== Activities ==
* Perform the following tasks:<ref>[https://www.redhat.com/en/services/training/ex300-red-hat-certified-engineer-rhce-exam RedHat RHCE certification objectives]</ref>
* Perform the following tasks: (from retired [[RHCE]] certification)<ref>[https://www.redhat.com/en/services/training/ex300-red-hat-certified-engineer-rhce-exam RedHat RHCE certification objectives]</ref>
** [[Install MariaDB]]. For example in MacOS: <code>[[brew install mariadb]]</code>
** [[Install MariaDB]]. For example in MacOS: <code>[[brew install mariadb]]</code>
** Start and configure MariaDB.  
** Start and configure MariaDB.  
** Backup and restore a database (<code>[[mariabackup]]</code>)
** Backup and restore a database (<code>[[mariabackup]]</code>)
** Create a simple database schema
** Create a simple database [[schema]]
** Perform simple [[SQL]] queries against a database
** Perform simple [[SQL]] queries against a database: <code>[[select]]</code>
** Create a basic table
** Create a basic table: <code>[[create table]]</code>
* Activate [[MariaDB slow queries]] log
* Activate [[MariaDB slow queries]] log
Line 104: Line 104:
* [[HA]]: [[Replication]]
* [[HA]]: [[Replication]]
* https://github.com/major/MySQLTuner-perl/blob/master/INTERNALS.md
* https://github.com/major/MySQLTuner-perl/blob/master/INTERNALS.md
* <code>[[Adminer]]</code>
* [[Navicat Monitor]]
== Activities ==
== Activities ==
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== See also ==
== See also ==
* [[MyRocks]]
* [[MyRocks]]
* {{DBs}}
* {{Database management}}
* {{MariaDB}}
* {{MariaDB}}

Latest revision as of 12:08, 30 January 2025


MariaDB is at least offered as a service in AWS RDS (2015), Azure and Alibaba cloud providers.


Configuration files[edit]




Install and start MariaDB in MacOS[edit]

  • brew install mariadb
  • Start MariaDB:
/usr/local/bin/mysql.server start (command is mysql but you are actually starting MariaDB)
Starting MariaDB
.180619 10:15:19 mysqld_safe Logging to '/usr/local/var/mysql/file.err'.
180619 10:15:19 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /usr/local/var/mysql
  • Check MariaDB is running: /usr/local/bin/mysql.server status
 SUCCESS! MariaDB running (80662)

Docker installation[edit]

Create a table: CREATE TABLE[edit]

mysql test
  • Create a basic table with two columns using the create table [2][3] SQL statement:
create table my_first_table (my_first_column char, my_second_column char);
  • Show tables so we can check our new created table is available:
MariaDB [test]> describe my_first_table;
| Tables_in_test   |
| my_first_table   |
  • Show details about your new table:
MariaDB [test]> describe my_first_table;
| Field            | Type    | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| my_first_column  | char(1) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
| my_second_column | char(1) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
2 rows in set (0.003 sec)
  1. Show privileges: MariaDB [(none)]> show grants;
  2. Allow remote root access: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on *.* to 'root'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'YOUR_PASSWORD';


Advanced Features[edit]

Related terms[edit]


  1. Understand how to limit the number of threads to save memory for the database memory buffers: https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/thread-pool-in-mariadb/
SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'thread_handling';
MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'thread_handling';
| Variable_name   | Value                     |
| thread_handling | one-thread-per-connection |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

thread_handling = [ pool-of-threads | one-thread-per-connection ]

  1. Read MariaDB Changelog/releases
  2. Read MariaDB encryption capabilites https://mariadb.com/kb/en/data-at-rest-encryption-overview/

See also[edit]

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Original Source: https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/MariaDB
