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[[wikipedia:Kubernetes operator]] ([https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/operator/ doc] extends the functionality of the [[Kubernetes API]] to create, configure, and manage instances of complex applications.
[[wikipedia:Kubernetes operator]]
== Operators ==
* [[Percona]] Kubernetes operator for [[Percona XtraDB]] Cluster
* [[Percona]] Kubernetes operator for [[Percona XtraDB]] Cluster
* Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona Server for [[MongoDB]]
* Percona Kubernetes Operator for Percona Server for [[MongoDB]]
* [[MemSQL]] Kubernetes operator
* [[MemSQL]] Kubernetes operator
* [[MariaDB]] Operator <ref>https://operatorhub.io/operator/mariadb-operator-app</code>
* [[MariaDB Operator]]: <ref>https://operatorhub.io/operator/mariadb-operator-app</ref>
* [[Ambassador Edge Stack Operator]]
* [[PGO PostgreSQL Operator]]
* [[Zalando PostgreSQL Operator]]
* [[Prometheus Operator]]: <code>[[kind: PodMonitor]], [[kind: PrometheusRule]], [[kind: ServiceMonitor]]</code>
* [[Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK)]]: [[Full Lifecycle]]<ref>https://operatorhub.io/operator/elastic-cloud-eck</ref>
* [[MySQL Operator]]
* [[Grafana operator]]: <code>[[kind: Grafana]]</code>, <code>[[kind: GrafanaDashboard]]</code>, <code>[[kind: GrafanaDatasource]]</code>
* [[OpenTelemetry Operator]]
* [[Couchbase]], [[DataStax]], [[KubeQM]]
* [[Security Profiles Operator (SPO)]]
* [[Rook]]
* [[Terraform Cloud Operator]]
* [[Trivy operator]]
* [[Datadog Kubernetes operator]]: <code>[[kind: DatadogAgent]]</code>
== Related terms ==
== Related terms ==
* <code>[[virt-controller]]</code> Kubernetes operator
* <code>[[virt-controller]]</code> Kubernetes operator
* [[Red Hat OpenShift]] Operator Certification
* [[Red Hat OpenShift]] Operator Certification
* [[Kubernetes controllers]]
* [[Custom Resource Definitions (CRD)]]
* [[Pyrra]]
* <code>[[istioctl operator]]</code>
* [[Custom Resource Definition]] (CRD)
* <code>[[kustomize]]</code>
== Activities ==
== Activities ==
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== See also ==
== See also ==
* {{k8s}}
* {{Kubernetes operator}}

Latest revision as of 14:47, 12 December 2024
