Difference between revisions of "Deploy EKS cluster using Terraform"

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1) Execute (<code>[[tf login]]</code>)
1) Execute (<code>[[tf login]]</code>)
* Change [[TFC execution mode]] to [[local]] in TFC web portal
* Change [[TFC execution mode]] to [[local]] in TFC web portal
* Change [[name]] in [[main.tf]] ([[Terraform module: vpc]] section) to your prefered VPC name
* Change <code>[[name]]</code> in [[main.tf]] ([[Terraform module: vpc]] section) to your prefered VPC name
* Change cluster_name in main.tf
* Configure your [[AWS profile]] name in <code>[[main.tf]]</code>, do not use default.
* Configure your [[AWS profile]] name in <code>[[main.tf]]</code>, do not use default.

Revision as of 12:42, 29 January 2025


0) Download code

git clone https://github.com/hashicorp/learn-terraform-provision-eks-cluster && cd learn-terraform-provision-eks-cluster

1) Execute (tf login)


terraform init #It may take several minutes
terraform plan
terraform apply: Terraform EKS apply output
It may take around 15 min
one liner: export TF_CLOUD_ORGANIZATION=test && tf init && tf plan && tf apply

2) Update configuration

Update kubeconfig with credentials:
aws eks --region $(terraform output -raw region) update-kubeconfig --name $(terraform output -raw cluster_name)

Added new context arn:aws:eks:us-east-2:XXXXXXX:cluster/myeks-eks-xxxx to /Users/youruser/.kube/config

2.1) Review EKS cluster created

kubectl get nodes
NAME                                       STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
ip-10-0-1-29.us-east-2.compute.internal    Ready    <none>   5m31s   v1.23.9-eks-ba74326
ip-10-0-1-47.us-east-2.compute.internal    Ready    <none>   5m21s   v1.23.9-eks-ba74326
ip-10-0-2-121.us-east-2.compute.internal   Ready    <none>   5m13s   v1.23.9-eks-ba74326

3) Review resources:

terraform show | grep -w resource | sort | uniq
terraform show | grep -w resource | sort | uniq | wc -l

4) Configure kubectl

aws eks list-clusters --output text | awk '{print $2}'
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name my-eks-cluster-name

5) Review cluster status/configuration

kubectl cluster-info
kubectl cluster-info dump
kubectl get all -A
Default EKS installation

6) Install your desired addons:

helm install




See also
