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   name: string                    # ID of the step.  ([-_A-Za-z0-9]*)
   name: string                    # ID of the step.  ([-_A-Za-z0-9]*)
   timeoutInMinutes: string        # Time to wait for this task to complete before the server kills it.
   timeoutInMinutes: string        # Time to wait for this task to complete before the server kills it.
== Related ==
* <code>[[tasks:]]</code>
== See also ==
== See also ==

Revision as of 10:54, 13 March 2022

- checkout: [self|none|your_repo_name] # Required as first property. Alias of the repository resource to check out or 'none'. 
  clean: [true|false]                  # Scorch the repo before fetching?.  (true, false)
  fetchDepth: string               # Depth of Git graph to fetch. 
  lfs: string                      # Fetch Git-LFS objects?. 
  persistCredentials: string       # Keep credentials available for later use?. 
  submodules: string               # Check out Git submodules?. 
  path: string                     # Path of the repository to check out. 
  condition: string                # Evaluate this condition expression to determine whether to run this task. 
  continueOnError: boolean         # Continue running even on failure?.  (false,n,no,off,on,true,y,yes)
  displayName: string              # Human-readable name for the task. 
  target: stepTarget               # Environment in which to run this task
  enabled: boolean                 # Run this task when the job runs?.  (false,n,no,off,on,true,y,yes)
  env:                             # Variables to map into the process's environment
    string: string                 # Name/value pairs.
  name: string                     # ID of the step.  ([-_A-Za-z0-9]*)
  timeoutInMinutes: string         # Time to wait for this task to complete before the server kills it.


See also
