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Revision as of 11:12, 16 December 2019

lvs[1]- Display information about logical volumes

lvs -a -o +devices
  Couldn't find device with uuid 'FmGRh3-zhok-iVI8-7qTD-S5BI-MAEN-NYM5Sk'.
  Couldn't find all physical volumes for volume group VG.
  Couldn't find device with uuid 'FmGRh3-zhok-iVI8-7qTD-S5BI-MAEN-NYM5Sk'.
  Couldn't find all physical volumes for volume group VG.


lvs --segments
         LV            VG        Attr       #Str Type     SSize
         lvol0         vg01      -wi-a-----    1 linear     4.00m
         lvol1         vg01      -wi-ao----    1 linear  <250.00g
         lvol2         vg01      rwi-a-r---    2 raid1      4.00m
         lvol_stripped vg02      -wi-ao----    2 striped  199.99g
         lvol3         rhvh      Vwi---tz--    0 thin       1.00g
         pool00        rhvh      twi---tz--    1 thin-pool <7.17t
         pool00        rhvh      Vri---tz-k    0 thin       7.14t
         swap          rhvh      -wi-ao----    1 linear       4.00g
lvs --segments
  LV                              VG        Attr       #Str Type        SSize
  home                            rhvh      Vwi---tz--    0 thin         1.00g
  pool00                          rhvh      twi---tz--    1 thin-pool   <7.17t
  rhvh-       rhvh      Vwi---tz-k    0 thin         7.14t
  rhvh-     rhvh      Vwi---tz--    0 thin         7.14t
  root                            rhvh      Vri---tz-k    0 thin         7.14t
  swap                            rhvh      -wi-ao----    1 linear       4.00g
  tmp                             rhvh      Vwi---tz--    0 thin         1.00g
  var                             rhvh      Vwi---tz--    0 thin        15.00g
  var_crash                       rhvh      Vwi---tz--    0 thin        10.00g
  var_log                         rhvh      Vwi---tz--    0 thin         8.00g
  var_log_audit                   rhvh      Vwi---tz--    0 thin         2.00g

See also

scan: pvscan vgscan
LVM: lvs lvmscan lvm fullreport lvmreport lvmconfig lvmdump lvmcheck lvm dumpconfig
Scan: pvs vgs lvs pvscan vgscan
PV: pvcreate pvremove pvscan pvremove pvscan pvs pvchange pvck pvdisplay pvresize
LV: lvdisplay lvcreate lvremove, lvresize, lvextend, lvreduce, lvrename
VG: vgdisplay,vgcreate,vgremove, vgextend, vgreduce, vgscan, vgchange, vgrename, vgcfgbackup, vgcfgrestore, vgimportclone, vgck
Check commands: pvck vgck
  • http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/lvs.8.html
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