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  bitnami/aspnet-core                        3.5.4        6.0.9        ASP.NET Core is an open-source framework for we...
  bitnami/aspnet-core                        3.5.4        6.0.9        ASP.NET Core is an open-source framework for we...
  bitnami/cassandra                          9.6.1        4.0.6        Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed ...
  bitnami/cassandra                          9.6.1        4.0.6        Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed ...
  bitnami/cert-manager                        0.8.3        1.9.1        Cert Manager is a Kubernetes add-on to automate...
  [[bitnami/cert-manager]]                       0.8.3        1.9.1        Cert Manager is a Kubernetes add-on to automate...
  bitnami/clickhouse                          0.2.0        22.8.5      ClickHouse is an open-source column-oriented OL...
  bitnami/clickhouse                          0.2.0        22.8.5      ClickHouse is an open-source column-oriented OL...
  bitnami/common                              2.0.3        2.0.3        A Library Helm Chart for grouping common logic ...
  bitnami/common                              2.0.3        2.0.3        A Library Helm Chart for grouping common logic ...

Revision as of 07:41, 27 September 2022

helm search repo bitnami
NAME                                        	CHART VERSION	APP VERSION  	DESCRIPTION
bitnami/airflow                             	13.1.6       	2.3.4        	Apache Airflow is a tool to express and execute...
bitnami/apache                              	9.2.4        	2.4.54       	Apache HTTP Server is an open-source HTTP serve...
bitnami/argo-cd                             	4.2.0        	2.4.12       	Argo CD is a continuous delivery tool for Kuber...
bitnami/argo-workflows                      	3.0.0        	3.3.9        	Argo Workflows is meant to orchestrate Kubernet...
bitnami/aspnet-core                         	3.5.4        	6.0.9        	ASP.NET Core is an open-source framework for we...
bitnami/cassandra                           	9.6.1        	4.0.6        	Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed ...
bitnami/cert-manager                        	0.8.3        	1.9.1        	Cert Manager is a Kubernetes add-on to automate...
bitnami/clickhouse                          	0.2.0        	22.8.5       	ClickHouse is an open-source column-oriented OL...
bitnami/common                              	2.0.3        	2.0.3        	A Library Helm Chart for grouping common logic ...
bitnami/concourse                           	1.5.0        	7.8.2        	Concourse is an automation system written in Go...
bitnami/consul                              	10.9.0       	1.13.1       	HashiCorp Consul is a tool for discovering and ...
bitnami/contour                             	9.1.3        	1.22.1       	Contour is an open source Kubernetes ingress co...
bitnami/contour-operator                    	2.1.4        	1.22.1       	The Contour Operator extends the Kubernetes API...
bitnami/dataplatform-bp1                    	12.0.2       	1.0.1        	DEPRECATED This Helm chart can be used for the ...
bitnami/dataplatform-bp2                    	12.0.5       	1.0.1        	DEPRECATED This Helm chart can be used for the ...
bitnami/discourse                           	8.1.5        	2.8.8        	Discourse is an open source discussion platform...
bitnami/dokuwiki                            	13.1.4       	20220731.1.0 	DokuWiki is a standards-compliant wiki optimize...
bitnami/drupal                              	12.5.1       	9.4.6        	Drupal is one of the most versatile open source...
bitnami/ejbca                               	6.3.4        	7.9.0-2      	EJBCA is an enterprise class PKI Certificate Au...
bitnami/elasticsearch                       	19.4.2       	8.4.2        	Elasticsearch is a distributed search and analy...
bitnami/etcd                                	8.5.5        	3.5.5        	etcd is a distributed key-value store designed ...
bitnami/external-dns                        	6.10.0       	0.12.2       	ExternalDNS is a Kubernetes addon that configur...
bitnami/fluentd                             	5.5.2        	1.15.2       	Fluentd collects events from various data sourc...
bitnami/geode                               	1.1.3        	1.15.0       	Apache Geode is a data management platform that...
bitnami/ghost                               	19.1.13      	5.16.0       	Ghost is an open source publishing platform des...
bitnami/grafana                             	8.2.9        	9.1.6        	Grafana is an open source metric analytics and ...
bitnami/grafana-loki                        	2.4.2        	2.6.1        	Grafana Loki is a horizontally scalable, highly...
bitnami/grafana-operator                    	2.7.4        	4.6.0        	Grafana Operator is a Kubernetes operator that ...
bitnami/grafana-tempo                       	1.4.2        	1.5.0        	Grafana Tempo is a distributed tracing system t...
bitnami/haproxy                             	0.5.5        	2.6.6        	HAProxy is a TCP proxy and a HTTP reverse proxy...
bitnami/haproxy-intel                       	0.2.6        	2.6.6        	HAProxy is a high-performance, open-source load...
bitnami/harbor                              	15.2.3       	2.6.0        	Harbor is an open source trusted cloud-native r...
bitnami/influxdb                            	5.4.6        	2.4.0        	InfluxDB(TM) is an open source time-series data...
bitnami/jasperreports                       	14.3.1       	8.1.0        	JasperReports Server is a stand-alone and embed...
bitnami/jenkins                             	11.0.4       	2.361.1      	Jenkins is an open source Continuous Integratio...
bitnami/joomla                              	13.3.6       	4.2.2        	Joomla! is an award winning open source CMS pla...
bitnami/jupyterhub                          	1.4.6        	1.5.0        	JupyterHub brings the power of notebooks to gro...
bitnami/kafka                               	18.4.4       	3.2.3        	Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platfor...
bitnami/keycloak                            	10.1.2       	19.0.2       	Keycloak is a high performance Java-based ident...
bitnami/kiam                                	1.1.3        	4.2.0        	kiam is a proxy that captures AWS Metadata API ...
bitnami/kibana                              	10.2.5       	8.4.2        	Kibana is an open source, browser based analyti...
bitnami/kong                                	6.4.13       	2.8.1        	Kong is an open source Microservice API gateway...
bitnami/kube-prometheus                     	8.1.9        	0.59.2       	Prometheus Operator provides easy monitoring de...
bitnami/kube-state-metrics                  	3.2.3        	2.6.0        	kube-state-metrics is a simple service that lis...
bitnami/kubeapps                            	10.3.4       	2.5.1        	Kubeapps is a web-based UI for launching and ma...
bitnami/kubernetes-event-exporter           	1.5.2        	0.11.0       	Kubernetes Event Exporter makes it easy to expo...
bitnami/kubewatch                           	3.3.4        	0.1.0        	DEPRECATED Kubewatch is a Kubernetes watcher th...
bitnami/logstash                            	5.1.4        	8.4.2        	Logstash is an open source data processing engi...
bitnami/magento                             	21.1.5       	2.4.5        	Magento is a powerful open source e-commerce pl...
bitnami/mariadb                             	11.3.1       	10.6.10      	MariaDB is an open source, community-developed ...
bitnami/mariadb-galera                      	7.4.3        	10.6.10      	MariaDB Galera is a multi-primary database clus...
bitnami/matomo                              	0.2.6        	4.11.0       	Matomo, formerly known as Piwik, is a real time...
bitnami/mediawiki                           	14.3.4       	1.38.2       	MediaWiki is the free and open source wiki soft...
bitnami/memcached                           	6.2.5        	1.6.17       	Memcached is an high-performance, distributed m...
bitnami/metallb                             	4.1.3        	0.13.5       	MetalLB is a load-balancer implementation for b...
bitnami/metrics-server                      	6.2.0        	0.6.1        	Metrics Server aggregates resource usage data, ...
bitnami/minio                               	11.10.3      	2022.9.7     	MinIO(R) is an object storage server, compatibl...
bitnami/mongodb                             	13.1.5       	6.0.1        	MongoDB(R) is a relational open source NoSQL da...
bitnami/mongodb-sharded                     	6.1.3        	6.0.1        	MongoDB(R) is an open source NoSQL database tha...
bitnami/moodle                              	14.2.4       	4.0.4        	Moodle(TM) LMS is an open source online Learnin...
bitnami/mxnet                               	3.1.3        	1.9.1        	Apache MXNet (Incubating) is a flexible and eff...
bitnami/mysql                               	9.3.4        	8.0.30       	MySQL is a fast, reliable, scalable, and easy t...
bitnami/nats                                	7.4.6        	2.9.1        	NATS is an open source, lightweight and high-pe...
bitnami/nginx                               	13.2.6       	1.23.1       	NGINX Open Source is a web server that can be a...
bitnami/nginx-ingress-controller            	9.3.12       	1.3.1        	NGINX Ingress Controller is an Ingress controll...
bitnami/nginx-intel                         	2.1.5        	0.4.7        	NGINX Open Source for Intel is a lightweight se...
bitnami/node                                	19.1.5       	16.17.1      	Node.js is a runtime environment built on V8 Ja...
bitnami/node-exporter                       	3.1.4        	1.4.0        	Prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metrics...
bitnami/oauth2-proxy                        	3.3.1        	7.3.0        	A reverse proxy and static file server that pro...
bitnami/odoo                                	21.6.3       	15.0.20220810	Odoo is an open source ERP and CRM platform, fo...
bitnami/opencart                            	13.0.1       	4.0.1-1      	OpenCart is free open source ecommerce platform...
bitnami/orangehrm                           	11.0.3       	4.9.0-0      	DEPRECATED OrangeHRM is a free HR management sy...
bitnami/osclass                             	14.2.4       	8.0.2        	Osclass allows you to easily create a classifie...
bitnami/owncloud                            	12.2.3       	10.10.0      	ownCloud is an open source content collaboratio...
bitnami/parse                               	19.1.3       	5.2.5        	Parse is a platform that enables users to add a...
bitnami/phpbb                               	12.3.4       	3.3.8        	phpBB is a popular bulletin board that features...
bitnami/phpmyadmin                          	10.3.4       	5.2.0        	phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in P...
bitnami/pinniped                            	0.3.2        	0.19.0       	Pinniped is an identity service provider for Ku...
bitnami/postgresql                          	11.9.1       	14.5.0       	PostgreSQL (Postgres) is an open source object-...
bitnami/postgresql-ha                       	9.4.5        	14.5.0       	This PostgreSQL cluster solution includes the P...
bitnami/prestashop                          	15.3.4       	1.7.8-7      	PrestaShop is a powerful open source eCommerce ...
bitnami/pytorch                             	2.5.4        	1.12.1       	PyTorch is a deep learning platform that accele...
bitnami/rabbitmq                            	10.3.6       	3.10.8       	RabbitMQ is an open source general-purpose mess...
bitnami/rabbitmq-cluster-operator           	2.7.4        	1.14.0       	The RabbitMQ Cluster Kubernetes Operator automa...
bitnami/redis                               	17.2.0       	7.0.5        	Redis(R) is an open source, advanced key-value ...
bitnami/redis-cluster                       	8.2.4        	7.0.5        	Redis(R) is an open source, scalable, distribut...
bitnami/redmine                             	20.3.4       	5.0.2        	Redmine is an open source management applicatio...
bitnami/schema-registry                     	5.1.7        	7.2.2        	Confluent Schema Registry provides a RESTful in...
bitnami/sealed-secrets                      	1.1.5        	0.18.5       	Sealed Secrets are "one-way" encrypted K8s Secr...
bitnami/solr                                	6.2.1        	9.0.0        	Apache Solr is an extremely powerful, open sour...
bitnami/sonarqube                           	1.6.1        	9.6.1        	SonarQube is an open source quality management ...
bitnami/spark                               	6.3.4        	3.3.0        	Apache Spark is a high-performance engine for l...
bitnami/spring-cloud-dataflow               	12.1.7       	2.9.6        	Spring Cloud Data Flow is a microservices-based...
bitnami/suitecrm                            	11.2.2       	7.12.7       	SuiteCRM is a completely open source, enterpris...
bitnami/tensorflow-resnet                   	3.6.5        	2.10.0       	TensorFlow ResNet is a client utility for use w...
bitnami/testlink                            	10.0.16      	1.9.20       	DEPRECATED TestLink is test management software...
bitnami/thanos                              	11.5.1       	0.28.0       	Thanos is a highly available metrics system tha...
bitnami/tomcat                              	10.4.5       	10.0.23      	Apache Tomcat is an open-source web server desi...
bitnami/wavefront                           	4.2.4        	1.12.0       	Wavefront is a high-performance streaming analy...
bitnami/wavefront-adapter-for-istio         	2.0.6        	0.1.5        	DEPRECATED Wavefront Adapter for Istio is an ad...
bitnami/wavefront-hpa-adapter               	1.3.3        	0.9.9        	Wavefront HPA Adapter for Kubernetes is a Kuber...
bitnami/wavefront-prometheus-storage-adapter	2.1.3        	1.0.5        	Wavefront Storage Adapter is a Prometheus integ...
bitnami/wildfly                             	13.5.4       	26.1.2       	Wildfly is a lightweight, open source applicati...
bitnami/wordpress                           	15.2.5       	6.0.2        	WordPress is the world's most popular blogging ...
bitnami/wordpress-intel                     	2.1.9        	6.0.2        	WordPress for Intel is the most popular bloggin...
bitnami/zookeeper                           	10.2.2       	3.8.0        	Apache ZooKeeper provides a reliable, centraliz...

See also
