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[[signal-cli --help]]
  usage: signal-cli [-h] [-v] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--scrub-log]
  usage: signal-cli [-h] [-v] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--scrub-log]

Revision as of 19:00, 17 January 2024

signal-cli --help
usage: signal-cli [-h] [-v] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--scrub-log]

named arguments:
  -h, --help             show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose
  --log-file LOG_FILE
usage: signal-cli [-h] [--version] [-v] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--scrub-log] [-c CONFIG] [-a ACCOUNT] [-o {plain-text,json}]
                  [--service-environment {live,staging,sandbox}] [--trust-new-identities {always,on-first-use,never}]
                  [--disable-send-log] [--dbus | --dbus-system]

Commandline interface for Signal.

named arguments:
  -h, --help             show this help message and exit
  --version              Show package version.
  -v, --verbose          Raise log level and include lib signal logs. Specify multiple times for even more logs. (default: 0)
  --log-file LOG_FILE    Write log output to the given file. If --verbose is  also  given,  the detailed logs will only be written to the
                         log file.
  --scrub-log            Scrub possibly sensitive information from the log, like phone numbers and UUIDs. (default: false)
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                         Set the path, where to store the config (Default: $XDG_DATA_HOME/signal-cli , $HOME/.local/share/signal-cli).
  -a ACCOUNT, --account ACCOUNT, -u ACCOUNT, --username ACCOUNT
                         Specify your phone number, that will be your identifier.
  --dbus                 Make request via user dbus. (default: false)
  --dbus-system          Make request via system dbus. (default: false)
  -o {plain-text,json}, --output {plain-text,json}
                         Choose to output in plain text or JSON
  --service-environment {live,staging,sandbox}
                         Choose the server environment to use. (default: live)
  --trust-new-identities {always,on-first-use,never}
                         Choose when to trust new identities. (default: on-first-use)
  --disable-send-log     Disable message send log (for resending messages that recipient couldn't decrypt) (default: false)

    addDevice            Link another device to this device. Only works, if this is the primary device.
    addStickerPack       Install a sticker pack for this account.
    block                Block the given contacts or groups (no messages will be received)
    daemon               Run in daemon mode and provide an experimental dbus or JSON-RPC interface.
                         Delete all local data for this account. Data  should  only  be  deleted if the account is unregistered. CAUTION:
                         This cannot be undone.
    finishChangeNumber   Verify the new number using the code received via SMS or voice.
    getUserStatus        Check if the specified phone number/s have been registered
    joinGroup            Join a group via an invitation link.
    jsonRpc              Take commands from standard input as line-delimited JSON RPC while receiving messages.
    link                 Link to an existing device, instead of registering a new number.
    listAccounts         Show a list of registered accounts.
    listContacts         Show a list of known contacts with names and profiles.
    listDevices          Show a list of linked devices.
    listGroups           List group information including names, ids, active status, blocked status and members
    listIdentities       List all known identity keys and their trust status, fingerprint and safety number.
    listStickerPacks     Show a list of known sticker packs.
    quitGroup            Send a quit group message to all group members and remove self from member list.
    receive              Query the server for new messages.
    register             Register a phone number with SMS or voice verification.
    remoteDelete         Remotely delete a previously sent message.
    removeContact        Remove the details of a given contact
    removeDevice         Remove a linked device.
    removePin            Remove the registration lock pin.
    send                 Send a message to another user or group.
    sendContacts         Send a synchronization message with the local contacts list to all linked devices.
                         Send a payment notification.
    sendReaction         Send reaction to a previously received or sent message.
    sendReceipt          Send a read or viewed receipt to a previously received message.
    sendSyncRequest      Send a synchronization request message to primary device (for group, contacts, ...).
    sendTyping           Send typing message to trigger a  typing  indicator  for  the  recipient.  Indicator will be shown for 15seconds
                         unless a typing STOP message is sent first.
    setPin               Set a registration lock pin, to prevent others from registering this number.
    startChangeNumber    Change account to a new phone number with SMS or voice verification.
                         Submit a captcha challenge to lift the  rate  limit.  This  command  should only be necessary when sending fails
                         with a proof required error.
    trust                Set the trust level of a given number.
    unblock              Unblock the given contacts or groups (messages will be received again)
    unregister           Unregister the current device from the signal server.
    updateAccount        Update the account attributes on the signal server.
    updateConfiguration  Update signal configs and sync them to linked devices.
    updateContact        Update the details of a given contact
    updateGroup          Create or update a group.
    updateProfile        Set a name, about and avatar image for the user profile
    uploadStickerPack    Upload a new sticker pack, consisting of a manifest file and the stickers images.
    verify               Verify the number using the code received via SMS or voice.

Signal (Instant Messaging), signal-cli
