Amazon Cloudformation EKS cluster role
--- AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Description: 'Amazon EKS Cluster Role' Resources: MyeksClusterRole: Type: AWS::IAM::Role Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: '2012-10-17' Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - Action: - sts:AssumeRole ManagedPolicyArns: - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEKSClusterPolicy Outputs: RoleArn: Description: The role that Amazon EKS will use to create AWS resources for Kubernetes clusters Value: !GetAtt MyeksClusterRole.Arn Export: Name: !Sub "${AWS::StackName}-RoleArn"
Web console options
EKS - Allows EKS to manage clusters on your behalf. EKS - Cluster - Allows access to other AWS service resources that are required to operate clusters managed by EKS. EKS - Connector - Allows access to other AWS service resources that are required to connect to external clusters EKS - Fargate pod - Allows access to other AWS service resources that are required to run Amazon EKS pods on AWS Fargate. EKS - Fargate profile - Allows EKS to run Fargate tasks. EKS - Nodegroup - Allow EKS to manage nodegroups on your behalf.
See also
- EKS,
, EKS add-ons, Amazon EKS cluster role, Terraform EKS, Kubernetes Autoscaler, Karpenter, Terraform module: EKS, Terraform resource: aws eks node group, Terraform data source: aws_eks_cluster, AWS Controllers for Kubernetes, AWS Load Balancer Controller, Amazon EKS Anywhere, Kustomize,aws-iam-authenticator
, ACK, tEKS, Amazon EKS authorization, Amazon EKS authentication, Nodegroup, EKS storage,aws-ebs-csi-driver, aws-efs-csi-driver, aws-load-balancer-controller, amazon-vpc-cni-k8s
, EKS security, EKS Best Practices Guides,hardeneks
, EKS versions,fargate-scheduler
, Resilience in Amazon EKS, EKS control plane logging, Security groups for Pods in EKS aws iam
,create-group, get-user
|put-group-policy | put-role-policy | put-user-policy
|aws iam delete-virtual-mfa-device
|aws iam list-virtual-mfa-devices
|aws iam create-saml-provider
|aws iam list-account-aliases
|aws iam create-role | aws iam change-password| enable-mfa-device | list-instance-profiles