WARN Local chain is post-merge, waiting for beacon client sync switch-over...

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WARN Local chain is post-merge, waiting for beacon client sync switch-over... [1]
Solution: Install and configure your consensus client

			// If we've reached the merge transition but no beacon client is available, o r
			// it has not yet switched us over, keep warning the user that their infra is 
			// potentially flaky.
			if errors.Is(err, downloader.ErrMergeTransition) && time.Since(cs.warned) > 10*time.Second {
				log.Warn("Local chain is post-merge, waiting for beacon client sync switch-over...")
				cs.warned = time.Now()

See also

  • https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/blob/0ce494b60cd00d70f1f9f2dd0b9bfbd76204168a/eth/sync.go#L133
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