Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK)
wikipedia:Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (May 2019) [1]
- Encryption by default
- Frozen indices for dense storage
- Kibana Spaces
Paid version
- Field- and document-level access control
- Machine learning
- Graph analytics
TOMERGE: elastic-operator
helm repo add elastic https://helm.elastic.co && helm repo update helm install elastic-operator elastic/eck-operator -n elastic-system --create-namespace
See also
- Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK), elastic-operator
- Elasticsearch, installation, ELK, Elastic X-Pack,
, logs, ECK, Elasticsearch curl URLs, Elastisearch REST APIs,/_cat/, /_cluster/, /_xpack/
, QueryShardException, Elasticsearch index, ELK backup and restore,elasticsearch-cli
, Elasticsearch versions, ElasticSearch Snapshot Lifecycle Management (SLM), Low disk watermark, Elasticsearch storage, Elasticsearch users, Elasticsearch roles, search context, shards, Elastic Cloud, Elastic Licensing, ElasticSearch alerts, ESQL - Kubernetes operator, PGO Postgres Operator, Prometheus Operator, Operator SDK, Operator hub, OLM, Grafana operator, OperatorHub.io, OpenTelemetry, Terraform Cloud Operator, Operator Framework