Kubernetes troubleshooting
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kubectl logs your_pod
kubectl get events -A
kubectl describe pod your_pod
kubectl describe nodes
, review conditions:
kubectl top or K9s
- Kubernetes node events:
BackoffLimitExceeded, BackOff, NodeNotReady, FailedScheduling
kubectl --cluster
- Kubernetes components
- Readiness probe errored
- Readiness, Liveness
- Reason: ProbeWarning
- Kubernetes Pod Disruptions
Unable to connect to the server
Insufficient cpu
Insufficient memory
PLEG is not healthy
See also
kubectl get events, OOMKilling, FailedKillPod, SuccessfulDelete, SuccessfulCreate, NoPods, Warning, Critical, NodeSysctlChange, FailedAttachVolume, FailedMount, UnAvailableLoadBalancer, FailedCreatePodSandBox, InvalidDiskCapacity, Scheduled, NetworkNotReady, Evict, Killing, SuccessfulReconcilied, FailedToUpdateEndpointSlices, BackendNotFound, FailedScheduling, ProvisioningFailed
- K8s troubleshooting:
kubectl logs, kubectl top, kubectl get events -A, kubectl describe pod
, Liveness, Readiness,Kubernetes events
, Pulling image, OOMKilled, ProbeWarning, Reason,FailedScheduling
,errImagePull, ImagePullBackOff
, Kubelet conditions:MemoryPressure, DiskPressure, KubeletHasSufficientPID, KubeletReady, kubectl [ debug | attach | exec ] kubectl cluster-info dump, SimKube, KWOK