Terraform show argocd

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# helm_release.argocd:
resource "helm_release" "argocd" {
   atomic                     = false
   chart                      = "argo-cd"
   cleanup_on_fail            = false
   create_namespace           = false
   dependency_update          = false
   disable_crd_hooks          = false
   disable_openapi_validation = false
   disable_webhooks           = false
   force_update               = false
   id                         = "argocd"
   lint                       = false
   max_history                = 0
   metadata                   = [
           app_version    = "v2.11.5"
           chart          = "argo-cd"
           first_deployed = 1721144316
           last_deployed  = 1721144693
           name           = "argocd"
           namespace      = "argocd"
           notes          = <<-EOT
               In order to access the server UI you have the following options:

               1. kubectl port-forward service/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443

                   and then open the browser on http://localhost:8080 and accept the certificate

               2. enable ingress in the values file `server.ingress.enabled` and either
                     - Add the annotation for ssl passthrough: https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/operator-manual/ingress/#option-1-ssl-passthrough
                     - Set the `configs.params."server.insecure"` in the values file and terminate SSL at your ingress: https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/operator-manual/ingress/#option-2-multiple-ingress-objects-and-hosts

               After reaching the UI the first time you can login with username: admin and the random password generated during the installation. You can find the password by running:

               kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d

               (You should delete the initial secret afterwards as suggested by the Getting Started Guide: https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/getting_started/#4-login-using-the-cli)
           revision       = 2
           values         = jsonencode(
                   ingress = {
                       enabled = true
           version        = "7.3.7"
   name                       = "argocd"
   namespace                  = "argocd"
   pass_credentials           = false
   recreate_pods              = false
   render_subchart_notes      = true
   replace                    = false
   repository                 = "https://argoproj.github.io/argo-helm"
   reset_values               = false
   reuse_values               = false
   skip_crds                  = false
   status                     = "deployed"
   timeout                    = 300
   verify                     = false
   version                    = "7.3.7"
   wait                       = true
   wait_for_jobs              = false

   set {
       name  = "ingress.enabled"
       value = "true"

helm install argocd

terraform show, terraform show (output example), terraform state show module.my compute terraform show --help, terraform show (grep resource), terraform show my wrong name, terraform show (grep aws instance)
