Start with the IBM Cloud CLI
Run the installation command
- IBM Cloud Cli, macOS:
curl -fsSL | sh
[1] (To verify installed files:pkgutil --files
) - IBM Cloud developers tools, For Mac and Linux™, run the following command:
curl -sL | bash
- To verify that the CLI and Developer tools were installed successfully, run the help command:
ibmcloud dev help
- Log in to IBM Cloud with your IBMid. If you have multiple accounts, you are prompted to select which account to use. If you do not specify a region with the -r flag, you must also select a region.
ibmcloud login
Available Regions:
- 1. au-syd
- 2. jp-tok
- 3. kr-seo
- 4. eu-de
- 5. eu-gb
- 6. us-south
- 7. us-east
If your credentials are rejected, you might be using a federated ID. To log in with a federated ID, use the --sso flag
- To access Cloud Foundry services, you must specify a Cloud Foundry org and space. You can run the following command to interactively identify the org and space:
ibmcloud target --cf
Or, if you know which org and space that the service belongs to, you can use the following command: ibmcloud target -o <value> -s <value>
See also
- IBM Cloud,
,ibmcloud --help
- Cloud: cloud providers, cloud timeline, serverless computing, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, DigitalOcean, IBM Cloud, Alibaba CloudAlibaba, Tencent, Baidu, VPC, Cloud Foundry, Snowflake, Huawei Cloud, Oracle Cloud, CISPE, CIPS, Free trial, Cloudera,, Render