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#	----------------------------
#	This is the documentation for the Squid configuration file.
#	This documentation can also be found online at:
#		http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/
#	You may wish to look at the Squid home page and wiki for the
#	FAQ and other documentation:
#		http://www.squid-cache.org/
#		http://wiki.squid-cache.org/SquidFaq
#		http://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples
#	This documentation shows what the defaults for various directives
#	happen to be.  If you don't need to change the default, you should
#	leave the line out of your squid.conf in most cases.
#	In some cases "none" refers to no default setting at all,
#	while in other cases it refers to the value of the option
#	- the comments for that keyword indicate if this is the case.

#  Configuration options can be included using the "include" directive.
#  Include takes a list of files to include. Quoting and wildcards are
#  supported.
#  For example,
#  include /path/to/included/file/squid.acl.config
#  Includes can be nested up to a hard-coded depth of 16 levels.
#  This arbitrary restriction is to prevent recursive include references
#  from causing Squid entering an infinite loop whilst trying to load
#  configuration files.
#  Values with byte units
#	Squid accepts size units on some size related directives. All
#	such directives are documented with a default value displaying
#	a unit.
#	Units accepted by Squid are:
#		bytes - byte
#		KB - Kilobyte (1024 bytes)
#		MB - Megabyte

See also
