lxc launch

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lxc launch ubuntu:18.04 c1
This client hasn't been configured to use a remote LXD server yet.
As your platform can't run native Linux instances, you must connect to a remote LXD server.

If you already added a remote server, make it the default with "lxc remote switch NAME".
To easily setup a local LXD server in a virtual machine, consider using: https://multipass.run

lxc launch ubuntu:18.04 c1
Creating c1
Starting c1

lxc launch
  Create and start instances from images

  lxc launch [<remote>:]<image> [<remote>:][<name>] [flags]

  lxc launch ubuntu:18.04 u1

  lxc launch ubuntu:18.04 u1 < config.yaml
      Create and start the instance with configuration from config.yaml

  -c, --config                       Config key/value to apply to the new instance
      --console string[="console"]   Immediately attach to the console
      --empty                        Create an empty instance
  -e, --ephemeral                    Ephemeral instance
  -n, --network                      Network name
      --no-profiles                  Create the instance with no profiles applied
  -p, --profile                      Profile to apply to the new instance
  -s, --storage                      Storage pool name
      --target                       Cluster member name
  -t, --type                         Instance type
      --vm                           Create a virtual machine

Global Flags:
      --debug            Show all debug messages
      --force-local      Force using the local unix socket
  -h, --help             Print help
      --project string   Override the source project
  -q, --quiet            Don't show progress information
  -v, --verbose          Show all information messages
      --version          Print version number

Related commands

See also
