gcloud components

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gcloud components list
gcloud components update
gcloud components install kubectl
gcloud components install beta -q
gcloud components install cloud-build-local
gcloud components --help
gcloud components list | grep gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
gcloud components
ERROR: (gcloud.components) Command name argument expected.

Available groups for gcloud components:

      repositories            Manage additional component repositories for
                              Trusted Tester programs.

Available commands for gcloud components:

      install                 Install one or more Google Cloud CLI components.
      list                    List the status of all Google Cloud CLI
      reinstall               Reinstall the Google Cloud CLI with the same
                              components you have now.
      remove                  Remove one or more installed components.
      restore                 Restore the Google Cloud CLI installation to its
                              previous state.
      update                  Update all of your installed components to the
                              latest version.

For detailed information on this command and its flags, run:
  gcloud components --help


gke-gcloud-auth-plugin --version

See also
