Certified Kubernetes Administrator v1.18
Scheduling (5%)
- Use label selectors to schedule Pods
- Understand the role of DaemonSets
- Understand how resource limits can affect Pod scheduling
- Manually schedule a pod without a scheduler
- Display scheduler events
- Know how to configure the Kubernetes scheduler
Logging/Monitoring (5%)
Application Lifecycle Management (8%)
- Understand deployments and how to perform updates and rollbacks
- Know various ways to configure applications
- Know how to scale applications
- Understand the primitives necessary to create a self-healing application
Cluster Maintenance (11%)
- Understand Kubernetes cluster upgrade process
- Facilitate operatig system upgrades
- Implement backup and restore methodologies
Security (12%)
- Know how to configure authetication and authorization
- Understand Kubernetes security primitivies
- Know to configure network policies
- Create and manage TLS certificates for cluster components
- Work with images securely
- Define security contexts
- Security persistent key value store
Storage (7%)
- Understand persistent volumes and know how to create them
- Understand access modes for volumes
- Understand Kubernetes storage objects
- Know how to configure applications with persistent storage
Troubleshooting (10%)
- Troubleshoot application failure
- Troubleshoot control plane failure
- Troubleshoot worker node failure
- Troubleshoot networking
Core concepts (19%)
- Understand the Kubernetes API primitives
- Understand the Kubernetes cluster architecture
- Understand Services and other network primitives
Networking (11%)
- Understand the networking configuration on the cluster nodes
See also