Kubernetes troubleshooting
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kubectl logs your_pod
kubectl get events -A
kubectl describe pod your_pod
kubectl describe nodes
, reviewconditions:
- Tools:
kubectl top or K9s, crictl
- FailedScheduling:
Insufficient cpu
,Insufficient memory
,timed out waiting for the condition
,unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims
Kubernetes components
- Kubernetes node events:
BackoffLimitExceeded, BackOff, NodeNotReady, FailedScheduling
kubectl --cluster
Readiness probe errored
- Readiness, Liveness
- Reason: ProbeWarning
- Kubernetes Pod Disruptions
Unable to connect to the server, ~/.kube/config
See also
kubectl get events, OOMKilling, FailedKillPod, SuccessfulDelete, SuccessfulCreate, NoPods, Warning, Critical, NodeSysctlChange, FailedAttachVolume, FailedMount, UnAvailableLoadBalancer, FailedCreatePodSandBox, InvalidDiskCapacity, Scheduled, NetworkNotReady, Evict, Killing, SuccessfulReconcilied, FailedToUpdateEndpointSlices, BackendNotFound, FailedScheduling, ProvisioningFailed
- Kubernetes node events: Kubernetes node events,
,NodeHasNoDiskPressure, DiskPressure, NodeHasSufficientMemory
- K8s troubleshooting:
kubectl logs, kubectl top, kubectl get events -A, kubectl describe pod
, Liveness, Readiness,Kubernetes events
, Pulling image, OOMKilled, ProbeWarning, Reason,FailedScheduling
,errImagePull, ImagePullBackOff
, Kubelet conditions:MemoryPressure, DiskPressure, KubeletHasSufficientPID, KubeletReady, kubectl [ debug | attach | exec ] kubectl cluster-info dump, SimKube, KWOK