avalanche subnet deploy

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avalanche subnet deploy
| RPC URL            | 

avalanche subnet deploy mySubnet
✔ Local Network
Deploying [mySubnet] to Local Network
Installing subnet-evm-v0.4.3...

avalanche subnet deploy mySubnet
subnet-evm-v0.4.12 installation successful
Backend controller started, pid: 19864, output at: ~/.avalanche-cli/runs/server_20230411_154714/avalanche-cli-backend.log
Installing avalanchego-v1.9.16...
avalanchego-v1.9.16 installation successful
Node log path: ~/.avalanche-cli/runs/network-runner-root-data_20230411_154722/node/logs
Starting network...
Error: failed to query network health: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = not bootstrapped

avalanche subnet create
Error: the current avalanchego deployment uses rpc version 25 but your subnet has version 24 and is not compatible

See also
