helm install velero
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helm repo add vmware-tanzu https://vmware-tanzu.github.io/helm-charts
helm install velero vmware-tanzu/velero \ --namespace velero \ --create-namespace \ --set-file credentials.secretContents.cloud=<FULL PATH TO FILE> \ --set configuration.backupStorageLocation[0].name=<BACKUP STORAGE LOCATION NAME> \ --set configuration.backupStorageLocation[0].provider=<PROVIDER NAME> \ --set configuration.backupStorageLocation[0].bucket=<BUCKET NAME> \ --set configuration.backupStorageLocation[0].config.region=<REGION> \ --set configuration.volumeSnapshotLocation[0].name=<VOLUME SNAPSHOT LOCATION NAME> \ --set configuration.volumeSnapshotLocation[0].provider=<PROVIDER NAME> \ --set configuration.volumeSnapshotLocation[0].config.region=<REGION> \ --set initContainers[0].name=velero-plugin-for-<PROVIDER NAME> \ --set initContainers[0].image=velero/velero-plugin-for-<PROVIDER NAME>:<PROVIDER PLUGIN TAG> \ --set initContainers[0].volumeMounts[0].mountPath=/target \ --set initContainers[0].volumeMounts[0].name=plugins
helm install velero vmware-tanzu/velero --namespace velero --create-namespace --set "configuration.backupStorageLocation[0].name=testlocation" --set "configuration.volumeSnapshotLocation[0].name=testname" --set "configuration.backupStorageLocation[0].provider=aws" --set "configuration.backupStorageLocation[0].bucket=bucketname" --set "configuration.volumeSnapshotLocation[0].provider=aws"
helm install velero vmware-tanzu/velero --namespace velero --create-namespace Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: 2 errors occurred: * BackupStorageLocation.velero.io "default" is invalid: [spec.objectStorage.bucket: Required value, spec.provider: Required value] * VolumeSnapshotLocation.velero.io "default" is invalid: spec.provider: Required value
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: cannot re-use a name that is still in use
Users of zsh might need to put quotes around key/value pairs.
See also
- Velero: [
backup | backup-location | bug | client | completion | create | debug | delete | get | describe | help | install
]kubectl kots velero | plugin | repo | restore | schedule | uninstall
],helm install velero
, Velero: Cluster migration helm install [ --set | --dry-run | --debug | --timeout | --namespace | --create-namespace | --generate-name | --help ] values.yaml
,helm upgrade --install