AWS Synthetics Canaries
Revision as of 12:19, 4 December 2023 by Welcome (talk | contribs) (Welcome moved page Synthetics Canaries to AWS Synthetics Canaries)
Terraform resource: aws_synthetics_canary
AWS monitoring: AWS CloudWatch: Logs, Logs Insights, Events, Alarms, aws cloudwatch, aws logs
, Amazon CloudWatch Lambda Insights, AWS CloudWatch Container Insights, CloudWatch Dashboard, AWS CloudWatch Automatic Dashboards, Amazon RDS Performance Insights, Amazon CloudWatch Metric Streams, Amazon CloudWatch Lambda Insights, CloudwatchLogsGroup
, Amazon CloudWatch Anomaly Detection, cloudwatch kms key id
, CloudWatch agent, Amazon CloudWatch Evidently, namespace, Synthetics, Synthetics Canaries, YACE, Prometheus cloudwatch exporter, Amazon CloudWatch Observability Access Manager, Amazon CloudWatch Live Tail