helm show values

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helm show values show values of chart added with helm repo add

helm show values YOURCHARTNAME
helm show values --help
helm show values eck-operator
helm show values elastic/elasticsearch
helm show values prometheus-community/prometheus
helm show values fluent/fluentd
helm show values bitnami/mediawiki
helm show values sentinelone/s1-agent

helm show values wrongname
Error: failed to download "wrongname"
helm show values my-mariadb
Error: non-absolute URLs should be in form of repo_name/path_to_chart, got: my-mariadb
helm show values
Error: "helm show values" requires 1 argument

Usage:  helm show values [CHART] [flags]

Helm v2

helm show values
Error: unknown command "show" for "helm"
Run 'helm --help' for usage.


See also
