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vgchange[1] Change volume group attributes

vgchange -an --partial
  Partial mode. Incomplete volume groups will be activated read-only.
  Couldn't find device with uuid 'FmGRh3-zhok-iVI8-7qTD-S5BI-MAEN-NYM5Sk'.
  Couldn't find device with uuid 'FmGRh3-zhok-iVI8-7qTD-S5BI-MAEN-NYM5Sk'.
-a|--activate y|n|ay
The block device for the LV is added or removed from the system using device-mapper in the kernel. A symbolic link /dev/VGName/LVName pointing to the device node is also added/removed.
-P|--partial Commands will do their best to activate LVs with missing PV extents. Missing extents may be replaced with error or zero segments according to the lvm.conf missing_stripe_filler setting. Metadata may not be changed with this option.

See also

LVM: LVM errors LVM scan commands lvmetad, Add a new disk

scan: pvscan vgscan
LVM: lvs lvmscan lvm fullreport lvmreport lvmconfig lvmdump lvmcheck lvm dumpconfig
Scan: pvs vgs lvs pvscan vgscan
PV: pvcreate pvremove pvscan pvremove pvscan pvs pvchange pvck pvdisplay pvresize
LV: lvdisplay lvcreate lvremove, lvresize, lvextend, lvreduce, lvrename
VG: vgdisplay,vgcreate,vgremove, vgextend, vgreduce, vgscan, vgchange, vgrename, vgcfgbackup, vgcfgrestore, vgimportclone, vgck
Check commands: pvck vgck
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