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rsync (1996) command is used to copy and synchronization files and folders. Rsync is a single thread C application that includes a progress indicator.

Configuration files

  • /etc/rsyncd.conf which includes don't compress options for some file extensions


-W, --whole-file copy files whole (without delta-xfer algorithm)
-z, --compress compresses the file data as it is sent to the destination machine using zlib compression library
--temp-dir=DIR, -T create temporary files in directory DIR, by default temp file is created as a hidden file in the target directory and named .<FILE_NAME>.<RANDOM_STRING>

Basic commands

-P, --partial --progress, --partial keep partially transferred files
-r --recursive
-P, --partial --progress, --partial keep partially transferred files
  • Copy files from remote server to local machine: rsync -chavzP --stats [email protected]:/path/to/copy /path/to/local/storage[1] (explainshell[2])
-c, --checksum option can slow transfers specially for large files
-h, --human-readable
-a, --archive. Equivalent to -rlptgoD
-v, --verbose
-z, --compress
-P, --partial --progress. --partial keep partially transferred files
--stats, print statistics
-a, --archive. Equivalent to -rlptgoD
-r --recursive recurse into directoriees
-l --links copy symlinks as symlinks
-p --perms preserve permissions
-t --times preserve modification times
-g --group preserve group
-o --owner preserve owner (super-user only)
-D same as --devices --specials
rsync -chavzP --stats [email protected]:/path/to/copy /path/to/local/storage
receiving incremental file list

  • rsync -Pav --ignore-existing src dst
Learn difference between: --ignore-existing and --update
  • rsync -av --ignore-existing src dst


rsync support compression, but you can also compress your data with other external compression tools before using rsync. Such as bzip, gzip or xz

-z, --compress compresses the file data as it is sent to the destination machine using zlib compression library

Compressing file before rsync using xz[3]

  • xz -v -T0 file_to_compress
-v provides progress bar
-T0 use all available Threads, multi-threaded compression supported since 2014, version 5.2.0. [4]


  1. Create a remote copy of your files for backup proposes using rsync
  2. Read StackOverflow questions about rsync:
  3. Understand the differences between cp, scp and rsync:
  4. Learn Effect of Trailing Slash / in rsync:
  5. Learn use of --inplace (implies also --partial) for transferring large files and its important implications:, also evaluate -c, --checksum impact on transfering large files
  6. Learn about --sparse option and conflicts with --inplace


  1. Understand how single thread rsync design can affect your transfer speeds.[5]
  2. Learn about -W, --whole-file copy files whole (without delta-xfer algorithm), implications and usage cases such as not making a diff copy.

Related command

See also

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