Azure Pipelines: Resources:

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  pipelines: [ pipeline ]  
  builds: [ build ]
  repositories: [ repository ]
  containers: [ container ]
  packages: [ package ]
  webhooks: [ webhook ]
resources:        # types: pipelines | builds | repositories | containers | packages
  - pipeline: string  # identifier for the resource used in pipeline resource variables
    project: string # project for the source; optional for current project
    source: string  # name of the pipeline that produces an artifact
    version: string  # the pipeline run number to pick the artifact, defaults to latest pipeline successful across all stages; Used only for manual or scheduled triggers
    branch: string  # branch to pick the artifact, optional; defaults to all branches; Used only for manual or scheduled triggers
    tags: [ string ] # list of tags required on the pipeline to pickup default artifacts, optional; Used only for manual or scheduled triggers
    trigger:     # triggers aren't enabled by default unless you add trigger section to the resource
      branches:  # branch conditions to filter the events, optional; Defaults to all branches.
        include: [ string ]  # branches to consider the trigger events, optional; Defaults to all branches.
        exclude: [ string ]  # branches to discard the trigger events, optional; Defaults to none.
      tags: [ string ]  # list of tags to evaluate for trigger event, optional
      stages: [ string ] # list of stages to evaluate for trigger event, optional


See also
