osinfo-query os

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osinfo-query os[edit]

osinfo-query  os
 Short ID             | Name                                               | Version  | ID
 alpinelinux3.5       | Alpine Linux 3.5                                   | 3.5      | http://alpinelinux.org/alpinelinux/3.5
 alpinelinux3.6       | Alpine Linux 3.6                                   | 3.6      | http://alpinelinux.org/alpinelinux/3.6
 alpinelinux3.7       | Alpine Linux 3.7                                   | 3.7      | http://alpinelinux.org/alpinelinux/3.7
 alpinelinux3.8       | Alpine Linux 3.8                                   | 3.8      | http://alpinelinux.org/alpinelinux/3.8
 alt.p8               | ALT p8 StarterKits                                 | p8       | http://altlinux.org/alt/p8.starterkits
 alt.p9               | ALT p9 StarterKits                                 | p9       | http://altlinux.org/alt/p9.starterkits
 alt.sisyphus         | ALT regular                                        | sisyphus | http://altlinux.org/alt/sisyphus
 alt8.0               | ALT 8 Education                                    | 8.0      | http://altlinux.org/alt/8.0
 alt8.1               | ALT 8.1                                            | 8.1      | http://altlinux.org/alt/8.1
 alt8.2               | ALT 8.2                                            | 8.2      | http://altlinux.org/alt/8.2
 alt9.0               | ALT 9.0                                            | 9.0      | http://altlinux.org/alt/9.0
 altlinux1.0          | Mandrake RE Spring 2001                            | 1.0      | http://altlinux.org/altlinux/1.0
 altlinux2.0          | ALT Linux 2.0                                      | 2.0      | http://altlinux.org/altlinux/2.0
 altlinux2.2          | ALT Linux 2.2                                      | 2.2      | http://altlinux.org/altlinux/2.2
 altlinux2.4          | ALT Linux 2.4                                      | 2.4      | http://altlinux.org/altlinux/2.4
 altlinux3.0          | ALT Linux 3.0                                      | 3.0      | http://altlinux.org/altlinux/3.0
 altlinux4.0          | ALT Linux 4.0                                      | 4.0      | http://altlinux.org/altlinux/4.0
 altlinux4.1          | ALT Linux 4.1                                      | 4.1      | http://altlinux.org/altlinux/4.1
 altlinux5.0          | ALT Linux 5.0                                      | 5.0      | http://altlinux.org/altlinux/5.0
 altlinux6.0          | ALT Linux 6.0                                      | 6.0      | http://altlinux.org/altlinux/6.0
 altlinux7.0          | ALT Linux 7.0                                      | 7.0      | http://altlinux.org/altlinux/7.0
 android-x86-8.1      | Android-x86 8.1                                    | 8.1      | http://android-x86.org/android-x86/8.1
 android-x86-9.0      | Android-x86 9.0                                    | 9.0      | http://android-x86.org/android-x86/9.0
 archlinux            | Arch Linux                                         |          | http://archlinux.org/archlinux/rolling
 asianux-unknown      | Asianux unknown                                    | unknown  | http://asianux.com/asianux/unknown
 asianux4.6           | Asianux Server 4 SP6                               |          | http://asianux.com/asianux/4.6
 asianux4.7           | Asianux Server 4 SP7                               |          | http://asianux.com/asianux/4.7
 asianux7.0           | Asianux Server 7                                   | 7.0      | http://asianux.com/asianux/7.0
 asianux7.1           | Asianux Server 7 SP1                               | 7.1      | http://asianux.com/asianux/7.1
 asianux7.2           | Asianux Server 7 SP2                               | 7.2      | http://asianux.com/asianux/7.2
 asianux7.3           | Asianux Server 7 SP3                               | 7.3      | http://asianux.com/asianux/7.3
 asianux8.0           | Asianux Server 8                                   | 8.0      | http://asianux.com/asianux/8.0
 caasp-unknown        | SUSE CaaS Platform Unknown                         | unknown  | http://suse.com/caasp/unknown
 caasp1.0             | SUSE CaaS Platform 1.0                             | 1.0      | http://suse.com/caasp/1.0
 caasp2.0             | SUSE CaaS Platform 2.0                             | 2.0      | http://suse.com/caasp/2.0
 caasp3.0             | SUSE CaaS Platform 3.0                             | 3.0      | http://suse.com/caasp/3.0
 centos-stream8       | CentOS Stream 8                                    | 8        | http://centos.org/centos-stream/8
 centos5.0            | CentOS 5.0                                         | 5.0      | http://centos.org/centos/5.0
 centos5.1            | CentOS 5.1                                         | 5.1      | http://centos.org/centos/5.1
 centos5.10           | CentOS 5.10                                        | 5.10     | http://centos.org/centos/5.10
 centos5.11           | CentOS 5.11                                        | 5.11     | http://centos.org/centos/5.11
 centos5.2            | CentOS 5.2                                         | 5.2      | http://centos.org/centos/5.2
 centos5.3            | CentOS 5.3                                         | 5.3      | http://centos.org/centos/5.3
 centos5.4            | CentOS 5.4                                         | 5.4      | http://centos.org/centos/5.4
 centos5.5            | CentOS 5.5                                         | 5.5      | http://centos.org/centos/5.5
 centos5.6            | CentOS 5.6                                         | 5.6      | http://centos.org/centos/5.6
 centos5.7            | CentOS 5.7                                         | 5.7      | http://centos.org/centos/5.7
 centos5.8            | CentOS 5.8                                         | 5.8      | http://centos.org/centos/5.8
 centos5.9            | CentOS 5.9                                         | 5.9      | http://centos.org/centos/5.9
 centos6.0            | CentOS 6.0                                         | 6.0      | http://centos.org/centos/6.0
 centos6.1            | CentOS 6.1                                         | 6.1      | http://centos.org/centos/6.1
 centos6.10           | CentOS 6.10                                        | 6.10     | http://centos.org/centos/6.10
 centos6.2            | CentOS 6.2                                         | 6.2      | http://centos.org/centos/6.2
 centos6.3            | CentOS 6.3                                         | 6.3      | http://centos.org/centos/6.3
 centos6.4            | CentOS 6.4                                         | 6.4      | http://centos.org/centos/6.4
 centos6.5            | CentOS 6.5                                         | 6.5      | http://centos.org/centos/6.5
 centos6.6            | CentOS 6.6                                         | 6.6      | http://centos.org/centos/6.6
 centos6.7            | CentOS 6.7                                         | 6.7      | http://centos.org/centos/6.7
 centos6.8            | CentOS 6.8                                         | 6.8      | http://centos.org/centos/6.8
 centos6.9            | CentOS 6.9                                         | 6.9      | http://centos.org/centos/6.9
 centos7.0            | CentOS 7                                           | 7        | http://centos.org/centos/7.0
 centos8              | CentOS 8                                           | 8        | http://centos.org/centos/8
 cirros0.3.0          | CirrOS 0.3.0                                       | 0.3.0    | http://cirros-cloud.net/cirros/0.3.0
 cirros0.3.1          | CirrOS 0.3.1                                       | 0.3.1    | http://cirros-cloud.net/cirros/0.3.1
 cirros0.3.2          | CirrOS 0.3.2                                       | 0.3.2    | http://cirros-cloud.net/cirros/0.3.2
 cirros0.3.3          | CirrOS 0.3.3                                       | 0.3.3    | http://cirros-cloud.net/cirros/0.3.3
 cirros0.3.4          | CirrOS 0.3.4                                       | 0.3.4    | http://cirros-cloud.net/cirros/0.3.4
 cirros0.3.5          | CirrOS 0.3.5                                       | 0.3.5    | http://cirros-cloud.net/cirros/0.3.5
 cirros0.4.0          | CirrOS 0.4.0                                       | 0.4.0    | http://cirros-cloud.net/cirros/0.4.0
 clearlinux           | Clear Linux OS                                     |          | http://clearlinux.org/clearlinux/rolling
 debian1.1            | Debian GNU/Linux 1.1                               | 1.1      | http://debian.org/debian/1.1
 debian1.2            | Debian GNU/Linux 1.2                               | 1.2      | http://debian.org/debian/1.2
 debian1.3            | Debian GNU/Linux 1.3                               | 1.3      | http://debian.org/debian/1.3
 debian10             | Debian 10                                          | 10       | http://debian.org/debian/10
 debian2.0            | Debian GNU/Linux 2.0                               | 2.0      | http://debian.org/debian/2.0
 debian2.1            | Debian GNU/Linux 2.1                               | 2.1      | http://debian.org/debian/2.1
 debian2.2            | Debian GNU/Linux 2.2                               | 2.2      | http://debian.org/debian/2.2
 debian3              | Debian GNU/Linux 3.0                               | 3.0      | http://debian.org/debian/3
 debian3.1            | Debian GNU/Linux 3.1                               | 3.1      | http://debian.org/debian/3.1
 debian4              | Debian GNU/Linux 4.0                               | 4.0      | http://debian.org/debian/4
 debian5              | Debian GNU/Linux 5.0                               | 5.0      | http://debian.org/debian/5
 debian6              | Debian 6.0                                         | 6.0      | http://debian.org/debian/6
 debian7              | Debian 7                                           | 7        | http://debian.org/debian/7
 debian8              | Debian 8                                           | 8        | http://debian.org/debian/8
 debian9              | Debian 9                                           | 9        | http://debian.org/debian/9
 debiantesting        | Debian testing                                     | testing  | http://debian.org/debian/testing
 dragonflybsd1.0      | DragonFlyBSD 1.0                                   | 1.0      | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/1.0
 dragonflybsd1.0A     | DragonFlyBSD 1.0A                                  | 1.0A     | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/1.0A
 dragonflybsd1.10.0   | DragonFlyBSD 1.10.0                                | 1.10.0   | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/1.10.0
 dragonflybsd1.10.1   | DragonFlyBSD 1.10.1                                | 1.10.1   | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/1.10.1
 dragonflybsd1.12.0   | DragonFlyBSD 1.12.0                                | 1.12.0   | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/1.12.0
 dragonflybsd1.12.1   | DragonFlyBSD 1.12.1                                | 1.12.1   | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/1.12.1
 dragonflybsd1.12.2   | DragonFlyBSD 1.12.2                                | 1.12.2   | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/1.12.2
 dragonflybsd1.2.0    | DragonFlyBSD 1.2.0                                 | 1.2.0    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/1.2.0
 dragonflybsd1.2.1    | DragonFlyBSD 1.2.1                                 | 1.2.1    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/1.2.1
 dragonflybsd1.2.2    | DragonFlyBSD 1.2.2                                 | 1.2.2    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/1.2.2
 dragonflybsd1.2.3    | DragonFlyBSD 1.2.3                                 | 1.2.3    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/1.2.3
 dragonflybsd1.2.4    | DragonFlyBSD 1.2.4                                 | 1.2.4    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/1.2.4
 dragonflybsd1.2.5    | DragonFlyBSD 1.2.5                                 | 1.2.5    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/1.2.5
 dragonflybsd1.2.6    | DragonFlyBSD 1.2.6                                 | 1.2.6    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/1.2.6
 dragonflybsd1.4.0    | DragonFlyBSD 1.4.0                                 | 1.4.0    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/1.4.0
 dragonflybsd1.4.4    | DragonFlyBSD 1.4.4                                 | 1.4.4    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/1.4.4
 dragonflybsd1.6.0    | DragonFlyBSD 1.6.0                                 | 1.6.0    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/1.6.0
 dragonflybsd1.8.0    | DragonFlyBSD 1.8.0                                 | 1.8.0    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/1.8.0
 dragonflybsd1.8.1    | DragonFlyBSD 1.8.1                                 | 1.8.1    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/1.8.1
 dragonflybsd2.0.0    | DragonFlyBSD 2.0.0                                 | 2.0.0    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/2.0.0
 dragonflybsd2.0.1    | DragonFlyBSD 2.0.1                                 | 2.0.1    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/2.0.1
 dragonflybsd2.10.1   | DragonFlyBSD 2.10.1                                | 2.10.1   | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/2.10.1
 dragonflybsd2.2.0    | DragonFlyBSD 2.2.0                                 | 2.2.0    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/2.2.0
 dragonflybsd2.2.1    | DragonFlyBSD 2.2.1                                 | 2.2.1    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/2.2.1
 dragonflybsd2.4.0    | DragonFlyBSD 2.4.0                                 | 2.4.0    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/2.4.0
 dragonflybsd2.4.1    | DragonFlyBSD 2.4.1                                 | 2.4.1    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/2.4.1
 dragonflybsd2.6.1    | DragonFlyBSD 2.6.1                                 | 2.6.1    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/2.6.1
 dragonflybsd2.6.2    | DragonFlyBSD 2.6.2                                 | 2.6.2    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/2.6.2
 dragonflybsd2.6.3    | DragonFlyBSD 2.6.3                                 | 2.6.3    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/2.6.3
 dragonflybsd2.8.2    | DragonFlyBSD 2.8.2                                 | 2.8.2    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/2.8.2
 dragonflybsd3.0.1    | DragonFlyBSD 3.0.1                                 | 3.0.1    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/3.0.1
 dragonflybsd3.2.1    | DragonFlyBSD 3.2.1                                 | 3.2.1    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/3.2.1
 dragonflybsd3.4.1    | DragonFlyBSD 3.4.1                                 | 3.4.1    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/3.4.1
 dragonflybsd3.4.2    | DragonFlyBSD 3.4.2                                 | 3.4.2    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/3.4.2
 dragonflybsd3.4.3    | DragonFlyBSD 3.4.3                                 | 3.4.3    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/3.4.3
 dragonflybsd3.6.0    | DragonFlyBSD 3.6.0                                 | 3.6.0    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/3.6.0
 dragonflybsd3.6.1    | DragonFlyBSD 3.6.1                                 | 3.6.1    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/3.6.1
 dragonflybsd3.6.2    | DragonFlyBSD 3.6.2                                 | 3.6.2    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/3.6.2
 dragonflybsd3.8.0    | DragonFlyBSD 3.8.0                                 | 3.8.0    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/3.8.0
 dragonflybsd3.8.1    | DragonFlyBSD 3.8.1                                 | 3.8.1    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/3.8.1
 dragonflybsd3.8.2    | DragonFlyBSD 3.8.2                                 | 3.8.2    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/3.8.2
 dragonflybsd4.0.0    | DragonFlyBSD 4.0.0                                 | 4.0.0    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/4.0.0
 dragonflybsd4.0.1    | DragonFlyBSD 4.0.1                                 | 4.0.1    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/4.0.1
 dragonflybsd4.2.0    | DragonFlyBSD 4.2.0                                 | 4.2.0    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/4.2.0
 dragonflybsd4.2.1    | DragonFlyBSD 4.2.1                                 | 4.2.1    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/4.2.1
 dragonflybsd4.2.3    | DragonFlyBSD 4.2.3                                 | 4.2.3    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/4.2.3
 dragonflybsd4.2.4    | DragonFlyBSD 4.2.4                                 | 4.2.4    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/4.2.4
 dragonflybsd4.4.1    | DragonFlyBSD 4.4.1                                 | 4.4.1    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/4.4.1
 dragonflybsd4.4.2    | DragonFlyBSD 4.4.2                                 | 4.4.2    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/4.4.2
 dragonflybsd4.4.3    | DragonFlyBSD 4.4.3                                 | 4.4.3    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/4.4.3
 dragonflybsd4.6.0    | DragonFlyBSD 4.6.0                                 | 4.6.0    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/4.6.0
 dragonflybsd4.6.1    | DragonFlyBSD 4.6.1                                 | 4.6.1    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/4.6.1
 dragonflybsd4.6.2    | DragonFlyBSD 4.6.2                                 | 4.6.2    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/4.6.2
 dragonflybsd4.8.0    | DragonFlyBSD 4.8.0                                 | 4.8.0    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/4.8.0
 dragonflybsd4.8.1    | DragonFlyBSD 4.8.1                                 | 4.8.1    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/4.8.1
 dragonflybsd5.0.0    | DragonFlyBSD 5.0.0                                 | 5.0.0    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/5.0.0
 dragonflybsd5.0.1    | DragonFlyBSD 5.0.1                                 | 5.0.1    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/5.0.1
 dragonflybsd5.0.2    | DragonFlyBSD 5.0.2                                 | 5.0.2    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/5.0.2
 dragonflybsd5.2.0    | DragonFlyBSD 5.2.0                                 | 5.2.0    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/5.2.0
 dragonflybsd5.2.1    | DragonFlyBSD 5.2.1                                 | 5.2.1    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/5.2.1
 dragonflybsd5.2.2    | DragonFlyBSD 5.2.2                                 | 5.2.2    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/5.2.2
 dragonflybsd5.4.0    | DragonFlyBSD 5.4.0                                 | 5.4.0    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/5.4.0
 dragonflybsd5.4.1    | DragonFlyBSD 5.4.1                                 | 5.4.1    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/5.4.1
 dragonflybsd5.4.2    | DragonFlyBSD 5.4.2                                 | 5.4.2    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/5.4.2
 dragonflybsd5.4.3    | DragonFlyBSD 5.4.3                                 | 5.4.3    | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/5.4.3
 dragonflybsd5.6      | DragonFlyBSD 5.6                                   | 5.6      | http://dragonflybsd.org/dragonflybsd/5.6
 elementary5.0        | Elementary OS 5.0 Juno                             | 5.0      | http://elementary.io/elementary/5.0
 eos3.1               | Endless OS 3.1                                     | 3.1      | http://endlessos.com/eos/3.1
 eos3.2               | Endless OS 3.2                                     | 3.2      | http://endlessos.com/eos/3.2
 eos3.3               | Endless OS 3.3                                     | 3.3      | http://endlessos.com/eos/3.3
 eos3.4               | Endless OS 3.4                                     | 3.4      | http://endlessos.com/eos/3.4
 eos3.5               | Endless OS 3.5                                     | 3.5      | http://endlessos.com/eos/3.5
 eos3.6               | Endless OS 3.6                                     | 3.6      | http://endlessos.com/eos/3.6
 eos3.7               | Endless OS 3.7                                     | 3.7      | http://endlessos.com/eos/3.7
 fedora-rawhide       | Fedora Rawhide                                     | Rawhide  | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/rawhide
 fedora-unknown       | Fedora                                             | unknown  | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/unknown
 fedora1              | Fedora Core 1                                      | 1        | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/1
 fedora10             | Fedora 10                                          | 10       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/10
 fedora11             | Fedora 11                                          | 11       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/11
 fedora12             | Fedora 12                                          | 12       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/12
 fedora13             | Fedora 13                                          | 13       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/13
 fedora14             | Fedora 14                                          | 14       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/14
 fedora15             | Fedora 15                                          | 15       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/15
 fedora16             | Fedora 16                                          | 16       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/16
 fedora17             | Fedora 17                                          | 17       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/17
 fedora18             | Fedora 18                                          | 18       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/18
 fedora19             | Fedora 19                                          | 19       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/19
 fedora2              | Fedora Core 2                                      | 2        | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/2
 fedora20             | Fedora 20                                          | 20       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/20
 fedora21             | Fedora 21                                          | 21       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/21
 fedora22             | Fedora 22                                          | 22       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/22
 fedora23             | Fedora 23                                          | 23       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/23
 fedora24             | Fedora 24                                          | 24       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/24
 fedora25             | Fedora 25                                          | 25       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/25
 fedora26             | Fedora 26                                          | 26       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/26
 fedora27             | Fedora 27                                          | 27       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/27
 fedora28             | Fedora 28                                          | 28       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/28
 fedora29             | Fedora 29                                          | 29       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/29
 fedora3              | Fedora Core 3                                      | 3        | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/3
 fedora30             | Fedora 30                                          | 30       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/30
 fedora31             | Fedora 31                                          | 31       | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/31
 fedora4              | Fedora Core 4                                      | 4        | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/4
 fedora5              | Fedora Core 5                                      | 5        | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/5
 fedora6              | Fedora Core 6                                      | 6        | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/6
 fedora7              | Fedora 7                                           | 7        | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/7
 fedora8              | Fedora 8                                           | 8        | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/8
 fedora9              | Fedora 9                                           | 9        | http://fedoraproject.org/fedora/9
 freebsd1.0           | FreeBSD 1.0                                        | 1.0      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/1.0
 freebsd10.0          | FreeBSD 10.0                                       | 10.0     | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/10.0
 freebsd10.1          | FreeBSD 10.1                                       | 10.1     | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/10.1
 freebsd10.2          | FreeBSD 10.2                                       | 10.2     | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/10.2
 freebsd10.3          | FreeBSD 10.3                                       | 10.3     | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/10.3
 freebsd10.4          | FreeBSD 10.4                                       | 10.4     | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/10.4
 freebsd11.0          | FreeBSD 11.0                                       | 11.0     | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/11.0
 freebsd11.1          | FreeBSD 11.1                                       | 11.1     | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/11.1
 freebsd11.2          | FreeBSD 11.2                                       | 11.2     | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/11.2
 freebsd11.3          | FreeBSD 11.3                                       | 11.3     | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/11.3
 freebsd12.0          | FreeBSD 12.0                                       | 12.0     | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/12.0
 freebsd2.0           | FreeBSD 2.0                                        | 2.0      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/2.0
 freebsd2.0.5         | FreeBSD 2.0.5                                      | 2.0.5    | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/2.0.5
 freebsd2.2.8         | FreeBSD 2.2.8                                      | 2.2.8    | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/2.2.8
 freebsd2.2.9         | FreeBSD 2.2.9                                      | 2.2.9    | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/2.2.9
 freebsd3.0           | FreeBSD 3.0                                        | 3.0      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/3.0
 freebsd3.2           | FreeBSD 3.2                                        | 3.2      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/3.2
 freebsd4.0           | FreeBSD 4.0                                        | 4.0      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/4.0
 freebsd4.1           | FreeBSD 4.1                                        | 4.1      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/4.1
 freebsd4.10          | FreeBSD 4.10                                       | 4.10     | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/4.10
 freebsd4.11          | FreeBSD 4.11                                       | 4.11     | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/4.11
 freebsd4.2           | FreeBSD 4.2                                        | 4.2      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/4.2
 freebsd4.3           | FreeBSD 4.3                                        | 4.3      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/4.3
 freebsd4.4           | FreeBSD 4.4                                        | 4.4      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/4.4
 freebsd4.5           | FreeBSD 4.5                                        | 4.5      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/4.5
 freebsd4.6           | FreeBSD 4.6                                        | 4.6      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/4.6
 freebsd4.7           | FreeBSD 4.7                                        | 4.7      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/4.7
 freebsd4.8           | FreeBSD 4.8                                        | 4.8      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/4.8
 freebsd4.9           | FreeBSD 4.9                                        | 4.9      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/4.9
 freebsd5.0           | FreeBSD 5.0                                        | 5.0      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/5.0
 freebsd5.1           | FreeBSD 5.1                                        | 5.1      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/5.1
 freebsd5.2           | FreeBSD 5.2                                        | 5.2      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/5.2
 freebsd5.2.1         | FreeBSD 5.2.1                                      | 5.2.1    | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/5.2.1
 freebsd5.3           | FreeBSD 5.3                                        | 5.3      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/5.3
 freebsd5.4           | FreeBSD 5.4                                        | 5.4      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/5.4
 freebsd5.5           | FreeBSD 5.5                                        | 5.5      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/5.5
 freebsd6.0           | FreeBSD 6.0                                        | 6.0      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/6.0
 freebsd6.1           | FreeBSD 6.1                                        | 6.1      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/6.1
 freebsd6.2           | FreeBSD 6.2                                        | 6.2      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/6.2
 freebsd6.3           | FreeBSD 6.3                                        | 6.3      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/6.3
 freebsd6.4           | FreeBSD 6.4                                        | 6.4      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/6.4
 freebsd7.0           | FreeBSD 7.0                                        | 7.0      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/7.0
 freebsd7.1           | FreeBSD 7.1                                        | 7.1      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/7.1
 freebsd7.2           | FreeBSD 7.2                                        | 7.2      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/7.2
 freebsd7.3           | FreeBSD 7.3                                        | 7.3      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/7.3
 freebsd7.4           | FreeBSD 7.4                                        | 7.4      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/7.4
 freebsd8.0           | FreeBSD 8.0                                        | 8.0      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/8.0
 freebsd8.1           | FreeBSD 8.1                                        | 8.1      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/8.1
 freebsd8.2           | FreeBSD 8.2                                        | 8.2      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/8.2
 freebsd8.3           | FreeBSD 8.3                                        | 8.3      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/8.3
 freebsd8.4           | FreeBSD 8.4                                        | 8.4      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/8.4
 freebsd9.0           | FreeBSD 9.0                                        | 9.0      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/9.0
 freebsd9.1           | FreeBSD 9.1                                        | 9.1      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/9.1
 freebsd9.2           | FreeBSD 9.2                                        | 9.2      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/9.2
 freebsd9.3           | FreeBSD 9.3                                        | 9.3      | http://freebsd.org/freebsd/9.3
 freedos1.2           | FreeDOS 1.2                                        | 1.2      | http://freedos.org/freedos/1.2
 gentoo               | Gentoo Linux                                       |          | http://gentoo.org/gentoo/rolling
 gnome-continuous-3.10 | GNOME 3.10                                         | 3.10     | http://gnome.org/gnome-continuous/3.10
 gnome-continuous-3.12 | GNOME 3.12                                         | 3.12     | http://gnome.org/gnome-continuous/3.12
 gnome-continuous-3.14 | GNOME 3.14                                         | 3.14     | http://gnome.org/gnome-continuous/3.14
 gnome3.6             | GNOME 3.6                                          | 3.6      | http://gnome.org/gnome/3.6
 gnome3.8             | GNOME 3.8                                          | 3.8      | http://gnome.org/gnome/3.8
 haikunightly         | Haiku Nightly                                      | nightly  | http://haiku-os.org/haiku/nightly
 haikur1alpha1        | Haiku R1/Alpha1                                    | r1alpha1 | http://haiku-os.org/haiku/r1alpha1
 haikur1alpha2        | Haiku R1/Alpha2                                    | r1alpha2 | http://haiku-os.org/haiku/r1alpha2
 haikur1alpha3        | Haiku R1/Alpha3                                    | r1alpha3 | http://haiku-os.org/haiku/r1alpha3
 haikur1alpha4.1      | Haiku R1/Alpha4.1                                  | r1alpha4.1 | http://haiku-os.org/haiku/r1alpha4.1
 haikur1beta1         | Haiku R1/Beta1                                     | r1beta1  | http://haiku-os.org/haiku/r1beta1
 macosx10.0           | MacOS X Cheetah                                    | 10.0     | http://apple.com/macosx/10.0
 macosx10.1           | MacOS X Puma                                       | 10.1     | http://apple.com/macosx/10.1
 macosx10.2           | MacOS X Jaguar                                     | 10.2     | http://apple.com/macosx/10.2
 macosx10.3           | MacOS X Panther                                    | 10.3     | http://apple.com/macosx/10.3
 macosx10.4           | MacOS X Tiger                                      | 10.4     | http://apple.com/macosx/10.4
 macosx10.5           | MacOS X Leopard                                    | 10.5     | http://apple.com/macosx/10.5
 macosx10.6           | MacOS X Snow Leopard                               | 10.6     | http://apple.com/macosx/10.6
 macosx10.7           | MacOS X Lion                                       | 10.7     | http://apple.com/macosx/10.7
 mageia1              | Mageia 1                                           | 1        | http://mageia.org/mageia/1
 mageia2              | Mageia 2                                           | 2        | http://mageia.org/mageia/2
 mageia3              | Mageia 3                                           | 3        | http://mageia.org/mageia/3
 mageia4              | Mageia 4                                           | 4        | http://mageia.org/mageia/4
 mageia5              | Mageia 5                                           | 5        | http://mageia.org/mageia/5
 mageia6              | Mageia 6                                           | 6        | http://mageia.org/mageia/6
 mandrake10.0         | Mandrake Linux 10.0                                | 10.0     | http://mandriva.com/mandrake/10.0
 mandrake10.1         | Mandrake Linux 10.1                                | 10.1     | http://mandriva.com/mandrake/10.1
 mandrake10.2         | Mandrake Linux 10.2                                | 10.2     | http://mandriva.com/mandrake/10.2
 mandrake5.1          | Mandrake Linux 5.1                                 | 5.1      | http://mandriva.com/mandrake/5.1
 mandrake5.2          | Mandrake Linux 5.2                                 | 5.2      | http://mandriva.com/mandrake/5.2
 mandrake5.3          | Mandrake Linux 5.3                                 | 5.3      | http://mandriva.com/mandrake/5.3
 mandrake6.0          | Mandrake Linux 6.0                                 | 6.0      | http://mandriva.com/mandrake/6.0
 mandrake6.1          | Mandrake Linux 6.1                                 | 6.1      | http://mandriva.com/mandrake/6.1
 mandrake7.0          | Mandrake Linux 7.0                                 | 7.0      | http://mandriva.com/mandrake/7.0
 mandrake7.1          | Mandrake Linux 7.1                                 | 7.1      | http://mandriva.com/mandrake/7.1
 mandrake7.2          | Mandrake Linux 7.2                                 | 7.2      | http://mandriva.com/mandrake/7.2
 mandrake8.0          | Mandrake Linux 8.0                                 | 8.0      | http://mandriva.com/mandrake/8.0
 mandrake8.1          | Mandrake Linux 8.1                                 | 8.1      | http://mandriva.com/mandrake/8.1
 mandrake8.2          | Mandrake Linux 8.2                                 | 8.2      | http://mandriva.com/mandrake/8.2
 mandrake9.0          | Mandrake Linux 9.0                                 | 9.0      | http://mandriva.com/mandrake/9.0
 mandrake9.1          | Mandrake Linux 9.1                                 | 9.1      | http://mandriva.com/mandrake/9.1
 mandrake9.2          | Mandrake Linux 9.2                                 | 9.2      | http://mandriva.com/mandrake/9.2
 mandriva2006.0       | Mandriva Linux 2006.0                              | 2006.0   | http://mandriva.com/mandriva/2006.0
 mandriva2007         | Mandriva Linux 2007                                | 2007     | http://mandriva.com/mandriva/2007
 mandriva2007.1       | Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring                         | 2007.1   | http://mandriva.com/mandriva/2007.1
 mandriva2008.0       | Mandriva Linux 2008                                | 2008.0   | http://mandriva.com/mandriva/2008.0
 mandriva2008.1       | Mandriva Linux 2008 Spring                         | 2008.1   | http://mandriva.com/mandriva/2008.1
 mandriva2009.0       | Mandriva Linux 2009                                | 2009.0   | http://mandriva.com/mandriva/2009.0
 mandriva2009.1       | Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring                         | 2009.1   | http://mandriva.com/mandriva/2009.1
 mandriva2010.0       | Mandriva Linux 2010                                | 2010.0   | http://mandriva.com/mandriva/2010.0
 mandriva2010.1       | Mandriva Linux 2010 Spring                         | 2010.1   | http://mandriva.com/mandriva/2010.1
 mandriva2010.2       | Mandriva Linux 2010.2                              | 2010.2   | http://mandriva.com/mandriva/2010.2
 mandriva2011         | Mandriva Linux 2011                                | 2011     | http://mandriva.com/mandriva/2011
 mbs1.0               | Mandriva Business Server 1.0                       | 1.0      | http://mandriva.com/mbs/1.0
 mes5                 | Mandriva Enterprise Server 5.0                     | 5.0      | http://mandriva.com/mes/5.0
 mes5.1               | Mandriva Enterprise Server 5.1                     | 5.1      | http://mandriva.com/mes/5.1
 msdos6.22            | Microsoft MS-DOS 6.22                              | 6.22     | http://microsoft.com/msdos/6.22
 netbsd0.8            | NetBSD 0.8                                         | 0.8      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/0.8
 netbsd0.9            | NetBSD 0.9                                         | 0.9      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/0.9
 netbsd1.0            | NetBSD 1.0                                         | 1.0      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/1.0
 netbsd1.1            | NetBSD 1.1                                         | 1.1      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/1.1
 netbsd1.2            | NetBSD 1.2                                         | 1.2      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/1.2
 netbsd1.3            | NetBSD 1.3                                         | 1.3      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/1.3
 netbsd1.4            | NetBSD 1.4                                         | 1.4      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/1.4
 netbsd1.5            | NetBSD 1.5                                         | 1.5      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/1.5
 netbsd1.6            | NetBSD 1.6                                         | 1.6      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/1.6
 netbsd2.0            | NetBSD 2.0                                         | 2.0      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/2.0
 netbsd3.0            | NetBSD 3.0                                         | 3.0      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/3.0
 netbsd4.0            | NetBSD 4.0                                         | 4.0      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/4.0
 netbsd5.0            | NetBSD 5.0                                         | 5.0      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/5.0
 netbsd5.1            | NetBSD 5.1                                         | 5.1      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/5.1
 netbsd6.0            | NetBSD 6.0                                         | 6.0      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/6.0
 netbsd6.1            | NetBSD 6.1                                         | 6.1      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/6.1
 netbsd7.0            | NetBSD 7.0                                         | 7.0      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/7.0
 netbsd7.1            | NetBSD 7.1                                         | 7.1      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/7.1
 netbsd7.1.1          | NetBSD 7.1.1                                       | 7.1.1    | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/7.1.1
 netbsd7.1.2          | NetBSD 7.1.2                                       | 7.1.2    | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/7.1.2
 netbsd7.2            | NetBSD 7.2                                         | 7.2      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/7.2
 netbsd8.0            | NetBSD 8.0                                         | 8.0      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/8.0
 netbsd8.1            | NetBSD 8.1                                         | 8.1      | http://netbsd.org/netbsd/8.1
 netware4             | Novell Netware 4                                   | 4        | http://novell.com/netware/4
 netware5             | Novell Netware 5                                   | 5        | http://novell.com/netware/5
 netware6             | Novell Netware 6                                   | 6        | http://novell.com/netware/6
 oel4.4               | Oracle Enterprise Linux 4.4                        | 4.4      | http://oracle.com/oel/4.4
 oel4.5               | Oracle Enterprise Linux 4.5                        | 4.5      | http://oracle.com/oel/4.5
 oel4.6               | Oracle Enterprise Linux 4.6                        | 4.6      | http://oracle.com/oel/4.6
 oel4.7               | Oracle Enterprise Linux 4.7                        | 4.7      | http://oracle.com/oel/4.7
 oel4.8               | Oracle Enterprise Linux 4.8                        | 4.8      | http://oracle.com/oel/4.8
 oel4.9               | Oracle Enterprise Linux 4.9                        | 4.9      | http://oracle.com/oel/4.9
 oel5.0               | Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.0                        | 5.0      | http://oracle.com/oel/5.0
 oel5.1               | Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.1                        | 5.1      | http://oracle.com/oel/5.1
 oel5.2               | Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.2                        | 5.2      | http://oracle.com/oel/5.2
 oel5.3               | Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.3                        | 5.3      | http://oracle.com/oel/5.3
 oel5.4               | Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.4                        | 5.4      | http://oracle.com/oel/5.4
 ol5.10               | Oracle Linux 5.10                                  | 5.10     | http://oracle.com/ol/5.10
 ol5.11               | Oracle Linux 5.11                                  | 5.11     | http://oracle.com/ol/5.11
 ol5.5                | Oracle Linux 5.5                                   | 5.5      | http://oracle.com/ol/5.5
 ol5.6                | Oracle Linux 5.6                                   | 5.6      | http://oracle.com/ol/5.6
 ol5.7                | Oracle Linux 5.7                                   | 5.7      | http://oracle.com/ol/5.7
 ol5.8                | Oracle Linux 5.8                                   | 5.8      | http://oracle.com/ol/5.8
 ol5.9                | Oracle Linux 5.9                                   | 5.9      | http://oracle.com/ol/5.9
 ol6.0                | Oracle Linux 6.0                                   | 6.0      | http://oracle.com/ol/6.0
 ol6.1                | Oracle Linux 6.1                                   | 6.1      | http://oracle.com/ol/6.1
 ol6.10               | Oracle Linux 6.10                                  | 6.10     | http://oracle.com/ol/6.10
 ol6.2                | Oracle Linux 6.2                                   | 6.2      | http://oracle.com/ol/6.2
 ol6.3                | Oracle Linux 6.3                                   | 6.3      | http://oracle.com/ol/6.3
 ol6.4                | Oracle Linux 6.4                                   | 6.4      | http://oracle.com/ol/6.4
 ol6.5                | Oracle Linux 6.5                                   | 6.5      | http://oracle.com/ol/6.5
 ol6.6                | Oracle Linux 6.6                                   | 6.6      | http://oracle.com/ol/6.6
 ol6.7                | Oracle Linux 6.7                                   | 6.7      | http://oracle.com/ol/6.7
 ol6.8                | Oracle Linux 6.8                                   | 6.8      | http://oracle.com/ol/6.8
 ol6.9                | Oracle Linux 6.9                                   | 6.9      | http://oracle.com/ol/6.9
 ol7.0                | Oracle Linux 7.0                                   | 7.0      | http://oracle.com/ol/7.0
 ol7.1                | Oracle Linux 7.1                                   | 7.1      | http://oracle.com/ol/7.1
 ol7.2                | Oracle Linux 7.2                                   | 7.2      | http://oracle.com/ol/7.2
 ol7.3                | Oracle Linux 7.3                                   | 7.3      | http://oracle.com/ol/7.3
 ol7.4                | Oracle Linux 7.4                                   | 7.4      | http://oracle.com/ol/7.4
 ol7.5                | Oracle Linux 7.5                                   | 7.5      | http://oracle.com/ol/7.5
 ol7.6                | Oracle Linux 7.6                                   | 7.6      | http://oracle.com/ol/7.6
 ol8.0                | Oracle Linux 8.0                                   | 8.0      | http://oracle.com/ol/8.0
 openbsd4.2           | OpenBSD 4.2                                        | 4.2      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/4.2
 openbsd4.3           | OpenBSD 4.3                                        | 4.3      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/4.3
 openbsd4.4           | OpenBSD 4.4                                        | 4.4      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/4.4
 openbsd4.5           | OpenBSD 4.5                                        | 4.5      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/4.5
 openbsd4.8           | OpenBSD 4.8                                        | 4.8      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/4.8
 openbsd4.9           | OpenBSD 4.9                                        | 4.9      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/4.9
 openbsd5.0           | OpenBSD 5.0                                        | 5.0      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/5.0
 openbsd5.1           | OpenBSD 5.1                                        | 5.1      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/5.1
 openbsd5.2           | OpenBSD 5.2                                        | 5.2      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/5.2
 openbsd5.3           | OpenBSD 5.3                                        | 5.3      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/5.3
 openbsd5.4           | OpenBSD 5.4                                        | 5.4      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/5.4
 openbsd5.5           | OpenBSD 5.5                                        | 5.5      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/5.5
 openbsd5.6           | OpenBSD 5.6                                        | 5.6      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/5.6
 openbsd5.7           | OpenBSD 5.7                                        | 5.7      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/5.7
 openbsd5.8           | OpenBSD 5.8                                        | 5.8      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/5.8
 openbsd5.9           | OpenBSD 5.9                                        | 5.9      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/5.9
 openbsd6.0           | OpenBSD 6.0                                        | 6.0      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/6.0
 openbsd6.1           | OpenBSD 6.1                                        | 6.1      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/6.1
 openbsd6.2           | OpenBSD 6.2                                        | 6.2      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/6.2
 openbsd6.3           | OpenBSD 6.3                                        | 6.3      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/6.3
 openbsd6.4           | OpenBSD 6.4                                        | 6.4      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/6.4
 openbsd6.5           | OpenBSD 6.5                                        | 6.5      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/6.5
 openbsd6.6           | OpenBSD 6.6                                        | 6.6      | http://openbsd.org/openbsd/6.6
 opensolaris2009.06   | OpenSolaris 2009.06                                | 2009.06  | http://sun.com/opensolaris/2009.06
 opensuse-factory     | openSUSE                                           | factory  | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/factory
 opensuse-unknown     | openSUSE                                           | unknown  | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/unknown
 opensuse10.2         | openSUSE 10.2                                      | 10.2     | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/10.2
 opensuse10.3         | openSUSE 10.3                                      | 10.3     | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/10.3
 opensuse11.0         | openSUSE 11.0                                      | 11.0     | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/11.0
 opensuse11.1         | openSUSE 11.1                                      | 11.1     | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/11.1
 opensuse11.2         | openSUSE 11.2                                      | 11.2     | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/11.2
 opensuse11.3         | openSUSE 11.3                                      | 11.3     | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/11.3
 opensuse11.4         | openSUSE 11.4                                      | 11.4     | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/11.4
 opensuse12.1         | openSUSE 12.1                                      | 12.1     | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/12.1
 opensuse12.2         | openSUSE 12.2                                      | 12.2     | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/12.2
 opensuse12.3         | openSUSE 12.3                                      | 12.3     | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/12.3
 opensuse13.1         | openSUSE 13.1                                      | 13.1     | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/13.1
 opensuse13.2         | openSUSE 13.2                                      | 13.2     | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/13.2
 opensuse15.0         | openSUSE Leap 15.0                                 | 15.0     | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/15.0
 opensuse15.1         | openSUSE Leap 15.1                                 | 15.1     | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/15.1
 opensuse42.1         | openSUSE Leap 42.1                                 | 42.1     | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/42.1
 opensuse42.2         | openSUSE Leap 42.2                                 | 42.2     | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/42.2
 opensuse42.3         | openSUSE Leap 42.3                                 | 42.3     | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/42.3
 opensusetumbleweed   | openSUSE Tumbleweed                                | tumbleweed | http://opensuse.org/opensuse/tumbleweed
 popos17.10           | Pop!_OS 17.10                                      | 17.10    | http://system76.com/popos/17.10
 popos18.04           | Pop!_OS 18.04                                      | 18.04    | http://system76.com/popos/18.04
 popos18.10           | Pop!_OS 18.10                                      | 18.10    | http://system76.com/popos/18.10
 popos19.04           | Pop!_OS 19.04                                      | 19.04    | http://system76.com/popos/19.04
 popos19.10           | Pop!_OS 19.10                                      | 19.10    | http://system76.com/popos/19.10
 pureos8              | PureOS                                             | 8        | http://pureos.net/pureos/8
 rhel-atomic-7.0      | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host 7.0           | 7.0      | http://redhat.com/rhel-atomic/7.0
 rhel-atomic-7.1      | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host 7.1           | 7.1      | http://redhat.com/rhel-atomic/7.1
 rhel-atomic-7.2      | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host 7.2           | 7.2      | http://redhat.com/rhel-atomic/7.2
 rhel-atomic-7.3      | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host 7.3           | 7.3      | http://redhat.com/rhel-atomic/7.3
 rhel-atomic-7.4      | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host 7.4           | 7.4      | http://redhat.com/rhel-atomic/7.4
 rhel-unknown         | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Unknown                   | unknown  | http://redhat.com/rhel/unknown
 rhel2.1              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1                       | 2.1      | http://redhat.com/rhel/2.1
 rhel2.1.1            | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 Update 1              | 2.1.1    | http://redhat.com/rhel/2.1.1
 rhel2.1.2            | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 Update 2              | 2.1.2    | http://redhat.com/rhel/2.1.2
 rhel2.1.3            | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 Update 3              | 2.1.3    | http://redhat.com/rhel/2.1.3
 rhel2.1.4            | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 Update 4              | 2.1.4    | http://redhat.com/rhel/2.1.4
 rhel2.1.5            | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 Update 5              | 2.1.5    | http://redhat.com/rhel/2.1.5
 rhel2.1.6            | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 Update 6              | 2.1.6    | http://redhat.com/rhel/2.1.6
 rhel2.1.7            | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 Update 7              | 2.1.7    | http://redhat.com/rhel/2.1.7
 rhel3                | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3                         | 3        | http://redhat.com/rhel/3
 rhel3.1              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update 1                | 3.1      | http://redhat.com/rhel/3.1
 rhel3.2              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update 2                | 3.2      | http://redhat.com/rhel/3.2
 rhel3.3              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update 3                | 3.3      | http://redhat.com/rhel/3.3
 rhel3.4              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update 4                | 3.4      | http://redhat.com/rhel/3.4
 rhel3.5              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update 5                | 3.5      | http://redhat.com/rhel/3.5
 rhel3.6              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update 6                | 3.6      | http://redhat.com/rhel/3.6
 rhel3.7              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update 7                | 3.7      | http://redhat.com/rhel/3.7
 rhel3.8              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update 8                | 3.8      | http://redhat.com/rhel/3.8
 rhel3.9              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 Update 9                | 3.9      | http://redhat.com/rhel/3.9
 rhel4.0              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0                       | 4.0      | http://redhat.com/rhel/4.0
 rhel4.1              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.1                       | 4.1      | http://redhat.com/rhel/4.1
 rhel4.2              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.2                       | 4.2      | http://redhat.com/rhel/4.2
 rhel4.3              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.3                       | 4.3      | http://redhat.com/rhel/4.3
 rhel4.4              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.4                       | 4.4      | http://redhat.com/rhel/4.4
 rhel4.5              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.5                       | 4.5      | http://redhat.com/rhel/4.5
 rhel4.6              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.6                       | 4.6      | http://redhat.com/rhel/4.6
 rhel4.7              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.7                       | 4.7      | http://redhat.com/rhel/4.7
 rhel4.8              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.8                       | 4.8      | http://redhat.com/rhel/4.8
 rhel4.9              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.9                       | 4.9      | http://redhat.com/rhel/4.9
 rhel5.0              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0                       | 5.0      | http://redhat.com/rhel/5.0
 rhel5.1              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.1                       | 5.1      | http://redhat.com/rhel/5.1
 rhel5.10             | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.10                      | 5.10     | http://redhat.com/rhel/5.10
 rhel5.11             | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.11                      | 5.11     | http://redhat.com/rhel/5.11
 rhel5.2              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.2                       | 5.2      | http://redhat.com/rhel/5.2
 rhel5.3              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3                       | 5.3      | http://redhat.com/rhel/5.3
 rhel5.4              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4                       | 5.4      | http://redhat.com/rhel/5.4
 rhel5.5              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5                       | 5.5      | http://redhat.com/rhel/5.5
 rhel5.6              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.6                       | 5.6      | http://redhat.com/rhel/5.6
 rhel5.7              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.7                       | 5.7      | http://redhat.com/rhel/5.7
 rhel5.8              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.8                       | 5.8      | http://redhat.com/rhel/5.8
 rhel5.9              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.9                       | 5.9      | http://redhat.com/rhel/5.9
 rhel6-unknown        | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Unknown                 | 6-unknown | http://redhat.com/rhel/6-unknown
 rhel6.0              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0                       | 6.0      | http://redhat.com/rhel/6.0
 rhel6.1              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1                       | 6.1      | http://redhat.com/rhel/6.1
 rhel6.10             | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.10                      | 6.10     | http://redhat.com/rhel/6.10
 rhel6.2              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2                       | 6.2      | http://redhat.com/rhel/6.2
 rhel6.3              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3                       | 6.3      | http://redhat.com/rhel/6.3
 rhel6.4              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4                       | 6.4      | http://redhat.com/rhel/6.4
 rhel6.5              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5                       | 6.5      | http://redhat.com/rhel/6.5
 rhel6.6              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6                       | 6.6      | http://redhat.com/rhel/6.6
 rhel6.7              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7                       | 6.7      | http://redhat.com/rhel/6.7
 rhel6.8              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.8                       | 6.8      | http://redhat.com/rhel/6.8
 rhel6.9              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9                       | 6.9      | http://redhat.com/rhel/6.9
 rhel7-unknown        | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Unknown                 | 7-unknown | http://redhat.com/rhel/7-unknown
 rhel7.0              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0                       | 7.0      | http://redhat.com/rhel/7.0
 rhel7.1              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1                       | 7.1      | http://redhat.com/rhel/7.1
 rhel7.2              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2                       | 7.2      | http://redhat.com/rhel/7.2
 rhel7.3              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3                       | 7.3      | http://redhat.com/rhel/7.3
 rhel7.4              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4                       | 7.4      | http://redhat.com/rhel/7.4
 rhel7.5              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5                       | 7.5      | http://redhat.com/rhel/7.5
 rhel7.6              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.6                       | 7.6      | http://redhat.com/rhel/7.6
 rhel7.7              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.7                       | 7.7      | http://redhat.com/rhel/7.7
 rhel7.8              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.8                       | 7.8      | http://redhat.com/rhel/7.8
 rhel8-unknown        | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Unknown                 | 8-unknown | http://redhat.com/rhel/8-unknown
 rhel8.0              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.0                       | 8.0      | http://redhat.com/rhel/8.0
 rhel8.1              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1                       | 8.1      | http://redhat.com/rhel/8.1
 rhel8.2              | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2                       | 8.2      | http://redhat.com/rhel/8.2
 rhl1.0               | Red Hat Linux 1.0                                  | 1.0      | http://redhat.com/rhl/1.0
 rhl1.1               | Red Hat Linux 1.1                                  | 1.1      | http://redhat.com/rhl/1.1
 rhl2.0               | Red Hat Linux 2.0                                  | 2.0      | http://redhat.com/rhl/2.0
 rhl2.1               | Red Hat Linux 2.1                                  | 2.1      | http://redhat.com/rhl/2.1
 rhl3.0.3             | Red Hat Linux 3.0.3                                | 3.0.3    | http://redhat.com/rhl/3.0.3
 rhl4.0               | Red Hat Linux 4.0                                  | 4.0      | http://redhat.com/rhl/4.0
 rhl4.1               | Red Hat Linux 4.1                                  | 4.1      | http://redhat.com/rhl/4.1
 rhl4.2               | Red Hat Linux 4.2                                  | 4.2      | http://redhat.com/rhl/4.2
 rhl5.0               | Red Hat Linux 5.0                                  | 5.0      | http://redhat.com/rhl/5.0
 rhl5.1               | Red Hat Linux 5.1                                  | 5.1      | http://redhat.com/rhl/5.1
 rhl5.2               | Red Hat Linux 5.2                                  | 5.2      | http://redhat.com/rhl/5.2
 rhl6.0               | Red Hat Linux 6.0                                  | 6.0      | http://redhat.com/rhl/6.0
 rhl6.1               | Red Hat Linux 6.1                                  | 6.1      | http://redhat.com/rhl/6.1
 rhl6.2               | Red Hat Linux 6.2                                  | 6.2      | http://redhat.com/rhl/6.2
 rhl7                 | Red Hat Linux 7                                    | 7        | http://redhat.com/rhl/7
 rhl7.1               | Red Hat Linux 7.1                                  | 7.1      | http://redhat.com/rhl/7.1
 rhl7.2               | Red Hat Linux 7.2                                  | 7.2      | http://redhat.com/rhl/7.2
 rhl7.3               | Red Hat Linux 7.3                                  | 7.3      | http://redhat.com/rhl/7.3
 rhl8.0               | Red Hat Linux 8.0                                  | 8.0      | http://redhat.com/rhl/8.0
 rhl9                 | Red Hat Linux 9                                    | 9        | http://redhat.com/rhl/9
 scientificlinux5.0   | Scientific Linux 5.0                               | 5.0      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/5.0
 scientificlinux5.1   | Scientific Linux 5.1                               | 5.1      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/5.1
 scientificlinux5.10  | Scientific Linux 5.10                              | 5.10     | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/5.10
 scientificlinux5.11  | Scientific Linux 5.11                              | 5.11     | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/5.11
 scientificlinux5.2   | Scientific Linux 5.2                               | 5.2      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/5.2
 scientificlinux5.3   | Scientific Linux 5.3                               | 5.3      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/5.3
 scientificlinux5.4   | Scientific Linux 5.4                               | 5.4      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/5.4
 scientificlinux5.5   | Scientific Linux 5.5                               | 5.5      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/5.5
 scientificlinux5.6   | Scientific Linux 5.6                               | 5.6      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/5.6
 scientificlinux5.7   | Scientific Linux 5.7                               | 5.7      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/5.7
 scientificlinux5.8   | Scientific Linux 5.8                               | 5.8      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/5.8
 scientificlinux5.9   | Scientific Linux 5.9                               | 5.9      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/5.9
 scientificlinux6.0   | Scientific Linux 6.0                               | 6.0      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/6.0
 scientificlinux6.1   | Scientific Linux 6.1                               | 6.1      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/6.1
 scientificlinux6.10  | Scientific Linux 6.10                              | 6.10     | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/6.10
 scientificlinux6.2   | Scientific Linux 6.2                               | 6.2      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/6.2
 scientificlinux6.3   | Scientific Linux 6.3                               | 6.3      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/6.3
 scientificlinux6.4   | Scientific Linux 6.4                               | 6.4      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/6.4
 scientificlinux6.5   | Scientific Linux 6.5                               | 6.5      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/6.5
 scientificlinux6.6   | Scientific Linux 6.6                               | 6.6      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/6.6
 scientificlinux6.7   | Scientific Linux 6.7                               | 6.7      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/6.7
 scientificlinux6.8   | Scientific Linux 6.8                               | 6.8      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/6.8
 scientificlinux6.9   | Scientific Linux 6.9                               | 6.9      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/6.9
 scientificlinux7-unknown | Scientific Linux 7 Unknown                         | 7-unknown | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/7-unknown
 scientificlinux7.0   | Scientific Linux 7.0                               | 7.0      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/7.0
 scientificlinux7.1   | Scientific Linux 7.1                               | 7.1      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/7.1
 scientificlinux7.2   | Scientific Linux 7.2                               | 7.2      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/7.2
 scientificlinux7.3   | Scientific Linux 7.3                               | 7.3      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/7.3
 scientificlinux7.4   | Scientific Linux 7.4                               | 7.4      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/7.4
 scientificlinux7.5   | Scientific Linux 7.5                               | 7.5      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/7.5
 scientificlinux7.6   | Scientific Linux 7.6                               | 7.6      | http://scientificlinux.org/scientificlinux/7.6
 silverblue28         | Fedora Silverblue 28                               | 28       | http://fedoraproject.org/silverblue/28
 silverblue29         | Fedora Silverblue 29                               | 29       | http://fedoraproject.org/silverblue/29
 silverblue30         | Fedora Silverblue 30                               | 30       | http://fedoraproject.org/silverblue/30
 silverblue31         | Fedora Silverblue 31                               | 31       | http://fedoraproject.org/silverblue/31
 sle-unknown          | SUSE Linux Enterprise Unknown                      | unknown  | http://suse.com/sle/unknown
 sle15                | SUSE Linux Enterprise 15                           | 15       | http://suse.com/sle/15
 sle15-unknown        | SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 Unknown                   | 15-unknown | http://suse.com/sle/15-unknown
 sle15sp1             | SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP1                       | 15.1     | http://suse.com/sle/15.1
 sled10               | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10                   | 10       | http://suse.com/sled/10
 sled10sp1            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 SP1               | 10.1     | http://suse.com/sled/10.1
 sled10sp2            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 SP2               | 10.2     | http://suse.com/sled/10.2
 sled10sp3            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 SP3               | 10.3     | http://suse.com/sled/10.3
 sled10sp4            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 SP4               | 10.4     | http://suse.com/sled/10.4
 sled11               | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11                   | 11       | http://suse.com/sled/11
 sled11sp1            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP1               | 11.1     | http://suse.com/sled/11.1
 sled11sp2            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP2               | 11.2     | http://suse.com/sled/11.2
 sled11sp3            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP3               | 11.3     | http://suse.com/sled/11.3
 sled11sp4            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 11 SP4               | 11.4     | http://suse.com/sled/11.4
 sled12               | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12                   | 12       | http://suse.com/sled/12
 sled12-unknown       | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 Unknown           | 12-unknown | http://suse.com/sled/12-unknown
 sled12sp1            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP1               | 12.1     | http://suse.com/sled/12.1
 sled12sp2            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP2               | 12.2     | http://suse.com/sled/12.2
 sled12sp3            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP3               | 12.3     | http://suse.com/sled/12.3
 sled12sp4            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP4               | 12.4     | http://suse.com/sled/12.4
 sled12sp5            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 12 SP5               | 12.5     | http://suse.com/sled/12.5
 sled9                | SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 9                    | 9        | http://suse.com/sled/9
 sles10               | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10                    | 10       | http://suse.com/sles/10
 sles10sp1            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1                | 10.1     | http://suse.com/sles/10.1
 sles10sp2            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2                | 10.2     | http://suse.com/sles/10.2
 sles10sp3            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP3                | 10.3     | http://suse.com/sles/10.3
 sles10sp4            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP4                | 10.4     | http://suse.com/sles/10.4
 sles11               | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11                    | 11       | http://suse.com/sles/11
 sles11sp1            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1                | 11.1     | http://suse.com/sles/11.1
 sles11sp2            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2                | 11.2     | http://suse.com/sles/11.2
 sles11sp3            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3                | 11.3     | http://suse.com/sles/11.3
 sles11sp4            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4                | 11.4     | http://suse.com/sles/11.4
 sles12               | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12                    | 12       | http://suse.com/sles/12
 sles12-unknown       | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 Unknown            | 12-unknown | http://suse.com/sles/12-unknown
 sles12sp1            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP1                | 12.1     | http://suse.com/sles/12.1
 sles12sp2            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP2                | 12.2     | http://suse.com/sles/12.2
 sles12sp3            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3                | 12.3     | http://suse.com/sles/12.3
 sles12sp4            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP4                | 12.4     | http://suse.com/sles/12.4
 sles12sp5            | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP5                | 12.5     | http://suse.com/sles/12.5
 sles9                | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9                     | 9        | http://suse.com/sles/9
 solaris10            | Solaris 10                                         | 10       | http://sun.com/solaris/10
 solaris11            | Oracle Solaris 11                                  | 11       | http://oracle.com/solaris/11
 solaris9             | Solaris 9                                          | 9        | http://sun.com/solaris/9
 ubuntu10.04          | Ubuntu 10.04 LTS                                   | 10.04    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/10.04
 ubuntu10.10          | Ubuntu 10.10                                       | 10.10    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/10.10
 ubuntu11.04          | Ubuntu 11.04                                       | 11.04    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/11.04
 ubuntu11.10          | Ubuntu 11.10                                       | 11.10    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/11.10
 ubuntu12.04          | Ubuntu 12.04 LTS                                   | 12.04    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/12.04
 ubuntu12.10          | Ubuntu 12.10                                       | 12.10    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/12.10
 ubuntu13.04          | Ubuntu 13.04                                       | 13.04    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/13.04
 ubuntu13.10          | Ubuntu 13.10                                       | 13.10    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/13.10
 ubuntu14.04          | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS                                   | 14.04    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/14.04
 ubuntu14.10          | Ubuntu 14.10                                       | 14.10    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/14.10
 ubuntu15.04          | Ubuntu 15.04                                       | 15.04    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/15.04
 ubuntu15.10          | Ubuntu 15.10                                       | 15.10    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/15.10
 ubuntu16.04          | Ubuntu 16.04                                       | 16.04    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/16.04
 ubuntu16.10          | Ubuntu 16.10                                       | 16.10    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/16.10
 ubuntu17.04          | Ubuntu 17.04                                       | 17.04    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/17.04
 ubuntu17.10          | Ubuntu 17.10                                       | 17.10    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/17.10
 ubuntu18.04          | Ubuntu 18.04 LTS                                   | 18.04    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/18.04
 ubuntu18.10          | Ubuntu 18.10                                       | 18.10    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/18.10
 ubuntu19.04          | Ubuntu 19.04                                       | 19.04    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/19.04
 ubuntu19.10          | Ubuntu 19.10                                       | 19.10    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/19.10
 ubuntu20.04          | Ubuntu 20.04                                       | 20.04    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/20.04
 ubuntu20.10          | Ubuntu 20.10                                       | 20.10    | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/20.10
 ubuntu4.10           | Ubuntu 4.10                                        | 4.10     | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/4.10
 ubuntu5.04           | Ubuntu 5.04                                        | 5.04     | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/5.04
 ubuntu5.10           | Ubuntu 5.10                                        | 5.10     | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/5.10
 ubuntu6.06           | Ubuntu 6.06 LTS                                    | 6.06     | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/6.06
 ubuntu6.10           | Ubuntu 6.10                                        | 6.10     | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/6.10
 ubuntu7.04           | Ubuntu 7.04                                        | 7.04     | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/7.04
 ubuntu7.10           | Ubuntu 7.10                                        | 7.10     | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/7.10
 ubuntu8.04           | Ubuntu 8.04 LTS                                    | 8.04     | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/8.04
 ubuntu8.10           | Ubuntu 8.10                                        | 8.10     | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/8.10
 ubuntu9.04           | Ubuntu 9.04                                        | 9.04     | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/9.04
 ubuntu9.10           | Ubuntu 9.10                                        | 9.10     | http://ubuntu.com/ubuntu/9.10
 voidlinux            | Void Linux                                         |          | http://voidlinux.org/voidlinux/rolling
 win1.0               | Microsoft Windows 1.0                              | 1.0      | http://microsoft.com/win/1.0
 win10                | Microsoft Windows 10                               | 10.0     | http://microsoft.com/win/10
 win2.0               | Microsoft Windows 2.0                              | 2.0      | http://microsoft.com/win/2.0
 win2.1               | Microsoft Windows 2.1                              | 2.1      | http://microsoft.com/win/2.1
 win2k                | Microsoft Windows 2000                             | 5.0      | http://microsoft.com/win/2k
 win2k12              | Microsoft Windows Server 2012                      | 6.3      | http://microsoft.com/win/2k12
 win2k12r2            | Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2                   | 6.3      | http://microsoft.com/win/2k12r2
 win2k16              | Microsoft Windows Server 2016                      | 10.0     | http://microsoft.com/win/2k16
 win2k19              | Microsoft Windows Server 2019                      | 10.0     | http://microsoft.com/win/2k19
 win2k3               | Microsoft Windows Server 2003                      | 5.2      | http://microsoft.com/win/2k3
 win2k3r2             | Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2                   | 5.2      | http://microsoft.com/win/2k3r2
 win2k8               | Microsoft Windows Server 2008                      | 6.0      | http://microsoft.com/win/2k8
 win2k8r2             | Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2                   | 6.1      | http://microsoft.com/win/2k8r2
 win3.1               | Microsoft Windows 3.1                              | 3.1      | http://microsoft.com/win/3.1
 win7                 | Microsoft Windows 7                                | 6.1      | http://microsoft.com/win/7
 win8                 | Microsoft Windows 8                                | 6.2      | http://microsoft.com/win/8
 win8.1               | Microsoft Windows 8.1                              | 6.3      | http://microsoft.com/win/8.1
 win95                | Microsoft Windows 95                               | 4.0      | http://microsoft.com/win/95
 win98                | Microsoft Windows 98                               | 4.1      | http://microsoft.com/win/98
 winme                | Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition               | 4.9      | http://microsoft.com/win/me
 winnt3.1             | Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.1                    | 3.1      | http://microsoft.com/winnt/3.1
 winnt3.5             | Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.5                    | 3.5      | http://microsoft.com/winnt/3.5
 winnt3.51            | Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51                   | 3.51     | http://microsoft.com/winnt/3.51
 winnt4.0             | Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0                    | 4.0      | http://microsoft.com/winnt/4.0
 winvista             | Microsoft Windows Vista                            | 6.0      | http://microsoft.com/win/vista
 winxp                | Microsoft Windows XP                               | 5.1      | http://microsoft.com/win/xp

Related terms[edit]

See also[edit]
