gsutil acl ch
gsutil acl ch
Ch Examples
gsutil acl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://example-bucket/example-object
Grant anyone on the internet WRITE access to the bucket example-bucket:
gsutil acl ch -u [email protected]:WRITE gs://example-bucket
Grant the group OWNER access to all jpg files in example-bucket:
gsutil acl ch -g [email protected]:O gs://example-bucket/**.jpg
Grant the owners of project example-project WRITE access to the bucket example-bucket:
gsutil acl ch -p owners-example-project:W gs://example-bucket
Remove access to the bucket example-bucket for the viewers of project number 12345:
gsutil acl ch -d viewers-12345 gs://example-bucket
Grant the user with the specified canonical ID READ access to all objects in example-bucket that begin with folder/:
gsutil acl ch -r \
-u 84fac329bceSAMPLE777d5d22b8SAMPLE785ac2SAMPLE2dfcf7c4adf34da46:R \
See also