AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) (Jun 2018) is a managed Kubernetes solution for running containers available in AWS cloud platform since June 2018 [1]. EKS can be managed using Jenkins X software [2]. Other AWS services for running containers are ECS or Fargate.
By default EKS provides 3 master nodes and 3 etcd
nodes, but are invisible to you and Amazon is responsible of Autoscaling them when needed.
EKS is not included in AWS Free Tier, usually running an EKS cluster is more expensive than ECS for small deployments. Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) offers free trial Kubernetes service. AWS charges $0.10 per hour for each EKS cluster (aprox $72 per month).
- Create your first EKS Cluster: Deploy EKS cluster using Terraform
- Read GitLab integration with EKS:
- Read: AWS EKS getting starting guide:
- StackOverflow:
- AWS EKS Anywhere
- Amazon EKS cluster role
- AWS Bottlerocket
- Terraform EKS
- Network policy: Calico add-on
- EKS add-ons
- Amazon EKS Workshop:
- EKS Best Practices Guides
- Tencent Kubernetes Engine (TKE)
- Kustomize
kubectl version --short
- Self-managed nodes
- EKS single sign-on using AWS SSO
- Amazon EKS authorization
- Amazon EKS cluster endpoint
- AWS EKS Cluster Identity Provider Configuration
- AWS EKS Addons
- 05/2022 Amazon EKS console now supports all standard Kubernetes resources [4]
- 11/2019 EKS Managed node groups [5]
See also
eksctl [ info | create cluster | get cluster | delete cluster | version | utils describe-stacks | upgrade ]
,eksctl create cluster --help, eksctl --help
- EKS,
, EKS add-ons, Amazon EKS cluster role, Terraform EKS, Kubernetes Autoscaler, Karpenter, Terraform module: EKS, Terraform resource: aws eks node group, Terraform data source: aws_eks_cluster, AWS Controllers for Kubernetes, AWS Load Balancer Controller, Amazon EKS Anywhere, Kustomize,aws-iam-authenticator
, ACK, tEKS, Amazon EKS authorization, Amazon EKS authentication, Nodegroup, EKS storage,aws-ebs-csi-driver, aws-efs-csi-driver, aws-load-balancer-controller, amazon-vpc-cni-k8s
, EKS security, EKS Best Practices Guides,hardeneks
, EKS versions,fargate-scheduler
, Resilience in Amazon EKS, EKS control plane logging, Security groups for Pods in EKS - AWS EKS:
,aws eks [ create-cluster | list-clusters
|update-kubeconfig | list-updates | list-addons | update-cluster-version | update-nodegroup-version | get-token | create-addon ]