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osinfo-query os


osinfo-query os | grep win
win1.0               | Microsoft Windows 1.0                              | 1.0      | http://microsoft.com/win/1.0
win10                | Microsoft Windows 10                               | 10.0     | http://microsoft.com/win/10
win2.0               | Microsoft Windows 2.0                              | 2.0      | http://microsoft.com/win/2.0
win2.1               | Microsoft Windows 2.1                              | 2.1      | http://microsoft.com/win/2.1
win2k                | Microsoft Windows 2000                             | 5.0      | http://microsoft.com/win/2k
win2k12              | Microsoft Windows Server 2012                      | 6.3      | http://microsoft.com/win/2k12
win2k12r2            | Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2                   | 6.3      | http://microsoft.com/win/2k12r2
win2k16              | Microsoft Windows Server 2016                      | 10.0     | http://microsoft.com/win/2k16
win2k19              | Microsoft Windows Server 2019                      | 10.0     | http://microsoft.com/win/2k19
win2k3               | Microsoft Windows Server 2003                      | 5.2      | http://microsoft.com/win/2k3
win2k3r2             | Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2                   | 5.2      | http://microsoft.com/win/2k3r2
win2k8               | Microsoft Windows Server 2008                      | 6.0      | http://microsoft.com/win/2k8
win2k8r2             | Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2                   | 6.1      | http://microsoft.com/win/2k8r2
win3.1               | Microsoft Windows 3.1                              | 3.1      | http://microsoft.com/win/3.1
win7                 | Microsoft Windows 7                                | 6.1      | http://microsoft.com/win/7
win8                 | Microsoft Windows 8                                | 6.2      | http://microsoft.com/win/8
win8.1               | Microsoft Windows 8.1                              | 6.3      | http://microsoft.com/win/8.1
win95                | Microsoft Windows 95                               | 4.0      | http://microsoft.com/win/95
win98                | Microsoft Windows 98                               | 4.1      | http://microsoft.com/win/98
winme                | Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition               | 4.9      | http://microsoft.com/win/me
winnt3.1             | Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.1                    | 3.1      | http://microsoft.com/winnt/3.1
winnt3.5             | Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.5                    | 3.5      | http://microsoft.com/winnt/3.5
winnt3.51            | Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51                   | 3.51     | http://microsoft.com/winnt/3.51
winnt4.0             | Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0                    | 4.0      | http://microsoft.com/winnt/4.0
winvista             | Microsoft Windows Vista                            | 6.0      | http://microsoft.com/win/vista
winxp                | Microsoft Windows XP                               | 5.1      | http://microsoft.com/win/xp

See also
