Terraform resource: aws ecs task definition
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↑ https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/ecs_task_definition#task_role_arn
↑ https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/ecs_task_definition#execution_role_arn
(ref): container_definitions
family =
(required) is a name for your task definitioncontainer_definitions:
name, image, cpu, memory, essential, portMappings
environment =
secrets =
dependsOn =
portMappings =
task_role_arn =
[1]execution_role_arn =
[2]revision =
https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/ecs_task_definition#revisionvolume =
cpu =
cpu_architecture =
memory =
: EC2, Fargate. https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/ecs_task_definition#requires_compatibilitiesnetwork_mode
(optional)none, bridge, awsvpc, and host
Official example[edit]
resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "service" { family = "service" container_definitions = jsonencode([ { name = "first" image = "service-first" cpu = 10 memory = 512 essential = true portMappings = [ { containerPort = 80 hostPort = 80 } ] }, { name = "second" image = "service-second" cpu = 10 memory = 256 essential = true portMappings = [ { containerPort = 443 hostPort = 443 } ] } ]) volume { name = "service-storage" host_path = "/ecs/service-storage" } placement_constraints { type = "memberOf" expression = "attribute:ecs.availability-zone in [us-west-2a, us-west-2b]" } }
Example myservice[edit]
resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "mytask" { family = "mytask" container_definitions = jsonencode([ { name = "first" image = "service-first" cpu = 10 memory = 512 essential = true portMappings = [ { containerPort = 80 hostPort = 80 } ] }, { name = "second" image = "service-second" cpu = 10 memory = 256 essential = true portMappings = [ { containerPort = 443 hostPort = 443 } ] } ]) volume { name = "service-storage" host_path = "/ecs/service-storage" } placement_constraints { type = "memberOf" expression = "attribute:ecs.availability-zone in [us-west-2a, us-west-2b]" } }
Official aws_ecs_service example[edit]
resource "aws_ecs_service" "mongo" { name = "mongodb" cluster = aws_ecs_cluster.foo.id task_definition = aws_ecs_task_definition.mongo.arn desired_count = 3 iam_role = aws_iam_role.foo.arn depends_on = [aws_iam_role_policy.foo] ordered_placement_strategy { type = "binpack" field = "cpu" } load_balancer { target_group_arn = aws_lb_target_group.foo.arn container_name = "mongo" container_port = 8080 } placement_constraints { type = "memberOf" expression = "attribute:ecs.availability-zone in [us-west-2a, us-west-2b]" } }
resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "service" { family = "service" container_definitions = jsonencode([ { name = "first" image = "service-first" cpu = 10 memory = 512 essential = true portMappings = [ { containerPort = 80 hostPort = 80 } ] }, { name = "second" image = "service-second" cpu = 10 memory = 256 essential = true portMappings = [ { containerPort = 443 hostPort = 443 } ] } ]) volume { name = "service-storage" host_path = "/ecs/service-storage" } placement_constraints { type = "memberOf" expression = "attribute:ecs.availability-zone in [us-west-2a, us-west-2b]" } }
See also[edit]
- Terraform resource:
aws_ecs_task_definition: container_definitions, family, revision, cpu, cpu_architecture, memory, MemoryReservation, volume, execution_role_arn, requires_compatibilities, dependsOn
- AWS ECS tasks
- Terraform ECS: module, resources:
aws_ecs_cluster, aws_ecs_service: task definition, aws_ecs_task_definition: container_definitions