helm uninstall

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Revision as of 16:07, 1 February 2024 by Welcome (talk | contribs)
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helm uninstall RELEASE_NAME
helm uninstall -n your-namespace RELEASE_NAME
helm uninstall --keep-history XXXXX
helm uninstall grafana
helm uninstall kibana
helm uninstall  my-name
release "my-name" uninstalled
helm uninstall mygrafana
release "mygrafana" uninstalled
Starting delete for "sentinelone-uninstall-agent-job" Job
jobs.batch "sentinelone-uninstall-agent-job" not found
creating 1 resource(s)
Watching for changes to Job sentinelone-uninstall-agent-job with timeout of 5m0s
Add/Modify event for sentinelone-uninstall-agent-job: ADDED
sentinelone-uninstall-agent-job: Jobs active: 0, jobs failed: 0, jobs succeeded: 0


helm uninstall my-test
Error: uninstall: Release not loaded: my-test: release: not found
helm uninstall elasticsearch
Error: uninstall: Release not loaded: elasticsearch: release: not found
Starting delete for "sentinelone-uninstall-agent-job" Job
jobs.batch "sentinelone-uninstall-agent-job" not found
creating 1 resource(s)
Watching for changes to Job sentinelone-uninstall-agent-job with timeout of 5m0s
Add/Modify event for sentinelone-uninstall-agent-job: ADDED
sentinelone-uninstall-agent-job: Jobs active: 0, jobs failed: 0, jobs succeeded: 0
helm uninstall
Error: "helm uninstall" requires at least 1 argument 

Usage:  helm uninstall RELEASE_NAME [...] [flags]


See also
