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auditctl -s
auditctl -l
No rules

auditctl -A exit,always -S connect
auditctl --help 
usage: auditctl [options]
    -a <l,a>            Append rule to end of <l>ist with <a>ction
    -A <l,a>            Add rule at beginning of <l>ist with <a>ction
    -b <backlog>        Set max number of outstanding audit buffers
                        allowed Default=64
    -c                  Continue through errors in rules
    -C f=f              Compare collected fields if available:
                        Field name, operator(=,!=), field name
    -d <l,a>            Delete rule from <l>ist with <a>ction
    -D                  Delete all rules and watches
    -e [0..2]           Set enabled flag
    -f [0..2]           Set failure flag
                        0=silent 1=printk 2=panic
    -F f=v              Build rule: field name, operator(=,!=,<,>,<=,
                        >=,&,&=) value
    -h                  Help
    -i                  Ignore errors when reading rules from file
    -k <key>            Set filter key on audit rule
    -l                  List rules
    -m text             Send a user-space message
    -p [r|w|x|a]        Set permissions filter on watch
                        r=read, w=write, x=execute, a=attribute
    -q <mount,subtree>  make subtree part of mount point's dir watches
    -r <rate>           Set limit in messages/sec (0=none)
    -R <file>           read rules from file
    -s                  Report status
    -S syscall          Build rule: syscall name or number
    -t                  Trim directory watches
    -v                  Version
    -w <path>           Insert watch at <path>
    -W <path>           Remove watch at <path>
    --loginuid-immutable  Make loginuids unchangeable once set
    --backlog_wait_time  Set the kernel backlog_wait_time
    --reset-lost         Reset the lost record counter

See also
