kubectl describe configmaps -A
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kubectl describe configmaps -A | grep -w "Name:" | sort | uniq
Name: amazon-vpc-cni Name: aws-auth Name: coredns Name: cwaagentconfig Name: cwagent-clusterleader Name: extension-apiserver-authentication Name: fluent-bit-config Name: grafana Name: kube-apiserver-legacy-service-account-token-tracking Name: kube-proxy Name: kube-proxy-config Name: kube-root-ca.crt Name: nginx-ingress Name: nginx-ingress-leader
See also
kubectl describe [ nodes | pods | deployment | pv | pvc | secrets | configmaps | networkpolicy | job ]
- ConfigMaps:
kubectl [ get | edit | describe | create | delete ] configmaps
, Kustomize,kind: ConfigMap, ConfigMapRef, envFrom