avalanche subnet create --help

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avalanche subnet create --help
avalanche subnet create --help
The subnet create command builds a new genesis file to configure your Subnet.
By default, the command runs an interactive wizard. It walks you through
all the steps you need to create your first Subnet.

The tool supports deploying Subnet-EVM, SpacesVM, and custom VMs. You
can create a custom, user-generated genesis with a custom VM by providing
the path to your genesis and VM binaries with the --genesis and --vm flags.

By default, running the command with a subnetName that already exists
causes the command to fail. If you’d like to overwrite an existing
configuration, pass the -f flag.

  avalanche subnet create [subnetName] [flags]

      --custom              use a custom VM template
      --evm                 use the Subnet-EVM as the base template
  -f, --force               overwrite the existing configuration if one exists
      --genesis string      file path of genesis to use
  -h, --help                help for create
      --latest              use latest VM version, takes precedence over --vm-version
      --spacesvm            use the SpacesVM as the base template
      --vm string           file path of custom vm to use
      --vm-version string   version of vm template to use

Global Flags:
      --config string      config file (default is $HOME/.avalanche-cli.json)
      --log-level string   log level for the application (default "ERROR")

See also[edit]
