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brctl[1] commands allows ethernet bridge administration in Linux. It is included in bridge-utils package in Ubuntu.


brctl show
bridge name	bridge id		STP enabled	interfaces
virbr0		8000.325400810bc6	yes		virbr0-nic
brctl show
bridge name	bridge id		STP enabled	interfaces
docker0        8000.02424a095b68	no
virbr0		8000.525400118b5a	yes		virbr0-nic

bridge name	bridge id		STP enabled	interfaces
docker0		8000.02429250bfb7	no		
virbr0		8000.525400a300b0	yes		virbr0-nic
virbr1		8000.525400999cef	yes		virbr1-nic
Usage: brctl [commands]
	addbr     	<bridge>		add bridge
	delbr     	<bridge>		delete bridge
	addif     	<bridge> <device>	add interface to bridge
	delif     	<bridge> <device>	delete interface from bridge
	hairpin   	<bridge> <port> {on|off}	turn hairpin on/off
	setageing 	<bridge> <time>		set ageing time
	setbridgeprio	<bridge> <prio>		set bridge priority
	setfd     	<bridge> <time>		set bridge forward delay
	sethello  	<bridge> <time>		set hello time
	setmaxage 	<bridge> <time>		set max message age
	setpathcost	<bridge> <port> <cost>	set path cost
	setportprio	<bridge> <port> <prio>	set port priority
	show      	[ <bridge> ]		show a list of bridges
	showmacs  	<bridge>		show a list of mac addrs
	showstp   	<bridge>		show bridge stp info
	stp       	<bridge> {on|off}	turn stp on/off

Related commands[edit]

See also[edit]
