eksctl create cluster
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↑ https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/containers/start-pods-faster-by-prefetching-images/
eksctl create cluster eksctl create cluster 'your-sample-cluster' --spot --instance-types=t3.small
Cluster will be created but you will face MemoryPressure errors when running pods.
eksctl create cluster 'your-sample-cluster' --spot --instance-types=t3.nano
eksctl create cluster 'your-sample-cluster' --zones us-east-1a,us-east-1b,us-east-1c eksctl create cluster -f cluster.yaml
It will create one managed nodegroup
containing two m5.large
eksctl create cluster --spot --instance-types=t3.nano eksctl create cluster --spot --instance-types=c3.large,c4.large,c5.large
envsubst < cluster-config.yaml | eksctl create cluster -f - [1]
eksctl create cluster 'your-sample-cluster' --zones us-east-1a,us-east-1b,us-east-1c (It will take approximately 20 minutes to finish)
eksctl create cluster \ --name your-cluster-name \ --version 1.21 \ --nodegroup-name standard-workers \ --node-type t5.large \ --nodes 6 \ --nodes-min 5 \ --nodes-max 8 \ --alb-ingress-access
eksctl create cluster execution examples[edit]
eksctl create cluster output with errors[edit]
aws eks create-cluster
eksctl delete cluster
aws cloudformation list-stacks | grep StackName
aws cloudformation describe-stack-events --stack-name your_stack_name | grep -A1 CREATE_FAILED
, AWS Nitro System
See also[edit]
eksctl create [ cluster | fargateprofile | iamidentitymapping | iamserviceaccount | nodegroup ]
,eksctl create cluster --help
eksctl [ info | create cluster | get cluster | delete cluster | version | utils describe-stacks | upgrade ]
,eksctl create cluster --help, eksctl --help
- Kubernetes installation, Deploy EKS cluster using Terraform, Create your first EKS Cluster using AWS Management Console,
kubeadm init, eksctl create cluster