kubectl describe ingress
Revision as of 19:26, 5 December 2021 by Welcome (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{lowercase}} == See also == * {{kubectl get}} * {{kubectl}} * {{Ingress}} Category:K8s")
See also
kubectl get
: [all
|componentstatus | pods | apiservices | events
|secret | deployments | serviceaccounts | endpoints | daemonset | networkpolicy
],kubectl get -h
: [cp | config | create
|edit | explain |
|drain | uncordon | rolling-update
|label | annotate
|port-forward | proxy
| expose deployment | expose | patch | attach | get endpoints | ~/.kube/config | kubectl logs --help | kubectl --help, kubectl-convert, kubectl autoscale, kubectl.kubernetes.io- Ingress controllers, NGINX Ingress Controller,
minikube addons enable ingress
,kubectl get ingress, kubectl get ingressclass, kubectl describe ingress
, Ingress API, AWS Load Balancer Controller, Envoy Proxy, GKE Ingress, Kubernetes Gateway API,ingress.k8s.aws, ingresses.networking.k8s.io
,kind: Ingress
: (tls:, hosts: