copilot --help

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copilot  --help
👩‍✈️ Launch and manage containerized applications on AWS.

  Getting Started 🌱
    init        Create a new ECS or App Runner application.
    docs        Open the copilot docs.

  Develop ✨
    app         Commands for applications.
                Applications are a collection of services and environments.

    env         Commands for environments.
                Environments are deployment stages shared between services.

    svc         Commands for services.
                Services are long-running ECS or App Runner services.

    job         Commands for jobs.
                Jobs are tasks that are triggered by events.

    task        Commands for tasks.
                One-off Amazon ECS tasks that terminate once their work is done.

  Release 🚀
    pipeline    Commands for pipelines.
                Continuous delivery pipelines to release services.

    deploy      Deploy a Copilot job or service.

  Extend 🧸
    storage     Commands for working with storage and databases.
    secret      Commands for secrets.
                Secrets are sensitive information that you need in your application.

  Settings ⚙️
    version     Print the version number.
    completion  Output shell completion code.

  -h, --help      help for copilot
  -v, --version   version for copilot

  Displays the help menu for the "init" command.
  `$ copilot init --help`

See also
