gem install xcode-install

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gem install xcode-install
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
   You don't have write permissions for the /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0 directory.
sudo gem install xcode-install
Done installing documentation for atomos, claide, colored2, nanaimo, rexml, xcodeproj, rouge, xcpretty, terminal-notifier, unicode-display_width, 
terminal-table, plist, public_suffix, addressable, multipart-post, word_wrap, optparse, tty-screen, tty-cursor, tty-spinner, artifactory, babosa, colored, 
highline, commander, excon, unf_ext, unf, domain_name, http-cookie, faraday-em_http, faraday-em_synchrony, faraday-excon, faraday-httpclient, faraday- 
multipart, faraday-net_http, faraday-net_http_persistent, faraday-patron, faraday-rack, faraday-retry, ruby2_keywords, faraday, faraday-cookie_jar, 
faraday_middleware, fastimage, gh_inspector, mini_magick, naturally, rubyzip, security, xcpretty-travis-formatter, dotenv, simctl, jwt, trailblazer- 
option, declarative, uber, representable, retriable, mini_mime, memoist, multi_json, os, signet, googleauth, httpclient, google-apis-core, google-apis- 
playcustomapp_v1, google-apis-androidpublisher_v3, google-cloud-errors, google-cloud-env, google-cloud-core, google-apis-iamcredentials_v1, google-apis- 
storage_v1, digest-crc, google-cloud-storage, emoji_regex, jmespath, aws-partitions, aws-eventstream, aws-sigv4, aws-sdk-core, aws-sdk-kms, aws-sdk-s3, 
fastlane, xcode-install after 28 seconds
86 gems installed

Related terms

See also
