kubeadm config images pull

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kubeadm config images pull
W0419 17:59:32.924654    6449 configset.go:202] WARNING: kubeadm cannot validate component configs for API groups [kubelet.config.k8s.io kubeproxy.config.k8s.io]
[config/images] Pulled k8s.gcr.io/kube-apiserver:v1.18.2
[config/images] Pulled k8s.gcr.io/kube-controller-manager:v1.18.2
[config/images] Pulled k8s.gcr.io/kube-scheduler:v1.18.2
[config/images] Pulled k8s.gcr.io/kube-proxy:v1.18.2
[config/images] Pulled k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.2
[config/images] Pulled k8s.gcr.io/etcd:3.4.3-0
[config/images] Pulled k8s.gcr.io/coredns:1.6.7

kubeadm init
[preflight] Pulling images required for setting up a Kubernetes cluster
[preflight] This might take a minute or two, depending on the speed of your internet connection
[preflight] You can also perform this action in beforehand using 'kubeadm config images pull'

Related commands

See also
