wikipedia:Terraform (software) (2014)
- Terraform Cloud (September 2019)
- Terraform Enterprise
- Terraform Registry
Technical characteristics
- HCL2 based
- Types: strings, number, bool, list, maps, set, tuple, object, any and null (Terraform 0.12)
Supported platforms/providers
- IBM Cloud
- DigitalOcean
- Azure: Azure Stack, AzureRM
- OpenStack
- ServiceNow
- F5 Networks
- Nutanix
- Tecent Cloud
- Helm
- Oracle OCI
- Brightbox
- RightScale
- Linode
- SkyTap
- UCloud
- Hedvig
Running terraform
terraform init terraform plan terraform apply terraform remote config
Common Terraform commands[1]
apply Builds or changes infrastructure console Interactive console for Terraform interpolations destroy Destroy Terraform-managed infrastructure fmt Rewrites config files to canonical format get Download and install modules for the configuration graph Create a visual graph of Terraform resources import Import existing infrastructure into Terraform init Initialize a new or existing Terraform configuration output Read an output from a state file plan Generate and show an execution plan providers Prints a tree of the providers used in the configuration push Upload this Terraform module to Terraform Enterprise to run refresh Update local state file against real resources show Inspect Terraform state or plan taint Manually mark a resource for recreation untaint Manually unmark a resource as tainted validate Validates the Terraform files version Prints the Terraform version workspace Workspace management
- Read Terraform blog: https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/category/terraform/
- Read Terraform: Up & Running, 2nd edition Early Release is now available! https://blog.gruntwork.io/terraform-up-running-2nd-edition-early-release-is-now-available-b104fc29783f
See also
- IaC: Terraform, Chef, cdist, capistrano, Harrow, puppet, Ansible, CFEngine, Cloud Deployment Manager, pulumi, juju, SaltStack, Azure Resource Manager (ARM), Google Deployment Manager, AWS CloudFormation, Pulumi, Heat, Spacelift, Oracle Cloud Resource Manager, KICS, Troposphere, CaC, IaC scanning, Bicep
- Terraform, OpenTofu, Terrakube.org, Installation, Terraform AWS, Terraform GCP, Terraform commands, Terraform Cloud, Terraform Enterprise (TFE), HCL, HIL, meta-arguments, providers, modules, resource, provisioners, data sources, backends: remote backends, examples, configuration files, state files, variables, types, Terraform Registry, conditionals:
, functions, Blocks, dynamic blocks, errors, Terragrunt, Terraformer, Terratest, Terraform certifications, Terraform map type, Terraform Associate, Terraform: list type,TF_VAR_, TF_LOG
, Terraform provider versioning, Terraform Style Conventions, Required version, Terraform plugin, Terraform Named Values, tags, Changelog,tfsec, tflint
, Operators, Expressions:for, splat
, Debugging, Namespaces, Terraform Landing Zones, CDKTF, Atmos, Atlantis - HashiCorp: HCP, Terraform, Vault, Nomad, Vagrant, Sentinel, Consul, Packer, Waypoint, Boundary, Mitchell Hashimoto, Armon Dadgar
- Cloud: cloud providers, cloud timeline, serverless computing, AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, DigitalOcean, IBM Cloud, Alibaba CloudAlibaba, Tencent, Baidu, VPC, Cloud Foundry, Snowflake, Huawei Cloud, Oracle Cloud, CISPE, CIPS, Free trial, Cloudera, Vantage.sh, Render