gcloud pubsub

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gcloud pubsub topics

gcloud pubsub topics create start-instance-event
gcloud pubsub topics create stop-instance-event
gcloud pubsub topics create cron-topic

gcloud functions deploy startInstancePubSub \
   --trigger-topic start-instance-event \
   --runtime nodejs10 \
gcloud pubsub
ERROR: (gcloud.pubsub) Command name argument expected.

Available groups for gcloud pubsub:

      lite-operations         Manage Pub/Sub Lite operations.
      lite-reservations       Manage Pub/Sub Lite reservations.
      lite-subscriptions      Manage Pub/Sub Lite subscriptions.
      lite-topics             Manage Pub/Sub Lite topics.
      schemas                 Manage Pub/Sub schemas.
      snapshots               Manage Cloud Pub/Sub snapshots.
      subscriptions           Manage Cloud Pub/Sub subscriptions.
      topics                  Manage Cloud Pub/Sub topics.

For detailed information on this command and its flags, run:

 gcloud pubsub --help

See also
