Kubernetes networking
The Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin is selected by passing kubelet
the --network-plugin=cni
- Create a pod network:
kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr=
Related terms
See also
- Service mesh: Istio, Linkerd, Consul, containerpilot, AWS App Mesh, Kiali, INNOQ, Kuma, Kong Mesh
- Tigera: Calico, Typha, Canal,
calicoctl, calico-kube-controllers, kind: BGPPeer
- Kubernetes networking: network policies, Network Policy Providers, CNI, Calico, flannel, Service mesh, Istio,
kube-proxy, coredns, AWS VPC CNI: vpc-cni
, Kubernetes: Ingress controllers, IPVS, ServiceTypes:LoadBalancer, ClusterIP, NodePort, ExternalName
, Endpoints, EndpointSlices, Kubernetes DNS,svc.cluster.local
, Weave Net